4028 Fan not working correctly

Hi, just setting up my printer Wired everything as shown on the 4028 ratos site and tried every single code. My problem is that in every setting the fan is on at 100% Only exception is if the enable pin is set as shown the fan runs if set to 0% If I go anywhere between 1-100% it's completely shut down. Any ideas?
5 Replies
Hard to help without printer.cfg and pictures of your wiring to double check things
azoroesOP16mo ago
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azoroesOP16mo ago
So the white cable is connected to the blue one on the delta 4028 fan, black is black and red is red Pa8 is the output according to the pinout sheet of the BTT Octopus v1.1
No, upload the entire printer.cfg please
miklschmidt16mo ago
This config would throw an error, PA8 and fan_part_cooling_pin is the same pin. If you try to use anything but a high current output for the enable_pin you will blow a mosfet or worst case one or more pins on your MCU (if you don't kill it outright). The documentation explicitly tells you to wire the gnd pin to a heater port if you want to use the enable_pin feature. We're going to need your full printer.cfg and a picture of the wire joining job you've done between the fan and the fan connectors.

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