TMC5160 PRO + Octopus 1.1 @ 48V Sensorless homing not working (new macine)
I just build a 200 mm RatRig with Octopus Pro V1.1 with Chip H723 at 48 V. I skipped on ordering the mechanical endstops as I was going for sensorless homing. The printer is working rudimentarily, but only as far as I tested it.
Activating the sensorless homing was done the following: Uncommenting the lines in printer.cfg and copying the one file over to the root of RatOs (two jumpers were also set on the Octupus, SPI Mode is configured for the drivers). Klipper just stalls with an error of specifying the UART port for both steppers, then, if done so, run_current. Final result is that it stalls with double entry for those pins. I was laughing at the comment in the printer.cfg where a simple instruction is given (not so simple as it seems).
I will paste all the logs, but the clue is given in in the thread TMC5160 PRO + Octopus 1.1 @24V Sensorless homing not working. It seems to be about the TMC5160, but I cannot solve it with my current knowledge.
13 Replies
the printer.cfg
To override settings from this file, you can copy and paste the relevant
sections into your printer.cfg and change it there.
BEWARE, this doesn't work if you've bent the DIAG pins on your x / y steppers.
endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_x:virtual_endstop
position_min: -1
position_endstop: -1
homing_retract_dist: 0
endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_y:virtual_endstop
position_min: 0
position_endstop: 0
homing_retract_dist: 0
[tmc2209 stepper_x]
diag_pin: ^x_diag_pin
driver_SGTHRS: 70 # Stall guard threshold, this is your X sensitivity, to adjust, copy this section and override it in printer.cfg.
[tmc2209 stepper_y]
diag_pin: ^y_diag_pin
driver_SGTHRS: 90 # Stall guard threshold, this is your Y sensitivity, to adjust, copy this section and override it in printer.cfg.
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_homing: "sensorless"
variable_sensorless_x_current: 0.6
variable_sensorless_y_current: 0.9
The homing...cfg
So, if I am not totally mistaken, someone needs to help me get that to fit to my hardware setup
Just for the record, this is the initial error message

You're still including the physical endstops. And you're including a 2209 sensorless homing template
1) Comment out the physical endstops
2) change tmc2209 to tmc5160 in your sensorless homing templates.
3) Change x and y driver type macro values:
4) Carefully read the klipper documentation regarding 2130 or 5160 sensorless homing
Configuring RatOS Macros | RatOS
RatOS comes with a bunch of flexible predefined macro's that can be customized via variables and macro hooks.
5160's and High Voltage are sort of outside the scope of RatOS and is considered advanced usage.
Also, i never recommend sensorless homing to anyone. It's just making things harder for yourself for no reason.
Hey, @miklschmidt thx for answering. As for 1) sorry, my mistake this was just for testing purposes to get moonraker up and running. it is commented out and makes no difference, as thought. As for 2)-3), I will go through them today. As @_niggurath is building the very same machine, I include him in here.
I guess, the last part would be a massive philosophical discussion and won´t help here. I am totally with you and wouldn´t advice anyone to skip on the 2 Euro investment for physical endstopps. In our case these projects are just that, a technological demonstration as we have enough productive machines up and running. Lets see if we can make it happen
I will report back on the details
Just a short try before breakfast. Changed basically everything to TMC5160, but I stil get the error "tmc virtual endstop requires diag pin config". I basically went over and checked that I have it covered. Of course, I need to doublecheck everything and some is redundant.
Just the log files
I am just a bit lost as I cannot mak emuch sense out of the error message nad cannot find much for a "diag pin config" beside the obvious. Which I think is covered
Try diag1_pin instead of diag0_pin
Ok, for those looking for the solution for this specific setup: Here it is. Works like a charm (just 15 tries, so your milage may vary). The code might be overly redundant, but thts it for the moment
So, thx for helping, also the ones that I got their config from via third hands. I will go on testing