RatOS on a Prusa MK3S+

Is there a guide available for using RatOS on a Prusa MK3S+? Or is it as simple to install as it is on a RatRig?
2 Replies
Steffen•2y ago
🙂 currently tinkering to get RatOS/klipper on my (modded) mk3s. You need a raspberry PI to actually host RatOS/klipper. Installation via doc went fine for me https://os.ratrig.com/docs/installation And you need to change DFU firmware of the einsy USB connection. I followed the trail layed out in doc which worked for me (physically you'll need to temporary connect the Pi and Einsy via 6 cables to flash) https://os.ratrig.com/docs/boards/prusa/einsy So far went fine. Now ran into what looks to be a bug, searching if already discussed is how I looked into here 🙂 Edit: already fixed in RatOS v2.0.0-63 PS: It's listed experimental. So ... your mileage may vary...
Martijn Janssen
Martijn JanssenOP•2y ago

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