V-Minion SKR Pico RPiZero2 went crazy after 1 day of printing
Any ideas?
4 Replies
"ShortToSupplyA" indicates faulty wiring. Check the cables from the motors, crimps, plugs etc.
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
With the Z motor yesm you were right. Connector was placed properly but the pins slipped out of the connector. But the inverted axis and sensorless not working persists 😦
Can't help you with sensorless, sorry.
The inverted axis also seems strange, tbh. You did not change anything to your printer.cfg? Updates or something?
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
OK. Restored last saved printer.cfg. Everything works again. Something "musthavehappened" by itself. Cannot explain -.-
Klipper sometimes behaves like Unreal not. No idea what happened