CAN w/ SKRat v1.0 and EBB36 v1.2
Using BTT SKRat v1.0 w/ EBB36 v1.2 - via the CANBUS port. I have flashed both MCU and EBB36 using RatOS configuration steps 2 & 3. However, getting error below in Klipper logs:
mcu 'toolboard': Unable to open serial port: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/btt-ebb36-12: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/btt-ebb36-12'
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Appreciate any advice - thanks!
14 Replies
No, you don't want to use CAN | RatOS
No, you don't want to use CAN.
i.e. if you want to use CAN then the assumptions built into Rat-OS aren't going to work and you will have to manually do it
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
@blacksmithforlife thanks. I saw that a while back but assumed, incorrectly, that the combo would work. I will start the long journey.
It's a relatively short journey, you just plug in a usb cable and you're done, sounds like you've already done everything else?
I think he means the long journey of using CAN with Rat-OS
Jedi Mind Trick
extended-salmon•2y ago
Canbus is awesome! but not with Klipper 🙂 Works a treat with RRF
have to agree that with klipper/ratos just use USB
Indeed from what i hear it seems a lot more mature and easy to work with in RRF
extended-salmon•2y ago
Okay this is sarcastic but it really is true. You install the board and assign pins its that easy.
RRF sarcastic CAN install.
Watching all the How-To's getting Klipper to do CAN. I felt like adding this for all the RRF users out their that have been using CAN for years.
It wasn't at all actually! I meant it
Oh you meant the video 😂
extended-salmon•2y ago
However, before anyone here says oh gee I'll try that. You do need CANFD hardware which 90% of the typical hardware used for Klipper and All think for RatOS isnt supported so there is still a heavy lift there
Yeah this is how it should be!!
If it was that easy in klipper i would recommend it in a heartbeat
Hopefully that's what they're working towards, but as long as we're nowhere near that level of usability i'll be advocating for USB
extended-salmon•2y ago
Getting there but the Duet3d guys figured regualr CAN would not work fast enough for RRF being realtime. The look ahead/batch nature of Klipper make regualr CAN work out better there. But yeah got to do something about that config stuff on the Linux side. I think the implementation in Klipper is fine. But it relies on the CAN stuff in linux working well - from what I've tried its sketchy sometimes. Hopefully it will get bettter. Sadly, the patent situation with Bosch means its unlikely for Klipper to see CANFD. I wish someone would tackle it though. I hate having 2 hardware paths. I like choice getting locked to one firmware or another sucks.