Probably a simple fix? I guess.
If anyone can help me understand whats happing here that would be great. So, when I home my printer homes its like
1. Head moves to left on x axis and hit the stops. and moves to 200.
2. The head moves along the Y axis and then hits the Y endstop.
3. After, then moves to the middle and dose a probe check( i have a Euclid)
4. Then moves to the corrner and picks it up.
5. Back to the middle and probes the bed
6.Then takes it back to the dock
Now here is the problem, when I tell the printer to move to 0 on the X axis its roughly 10mm away from the endstop, I seen this issue and then told the printer to ONLY home x, after the home, it moves from 200 to 0 and the endsop is hitting the block like its supposed to at 0.
What is happing?
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