Beacon probe failing to pass BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE
For some reason i can't get past this part of configuration.
37 Replies
Let me get you the steps the auto calibrate uses
The machine sees the beacon MCU?
It is able to do the whole homing procedure
And i see updating temps for the beacon coil
It crashes during beacon calibration?
it throws diffrent errors
last one here

or this one

and maybe just a heads up i don't really know yet how to navigate mainsail very well
since my previous klipperized printer was on fluidd
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/ at documentation_v2...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Do the steps manually
You can do steps 1-4 for now
What is concerning is you not being able to perform.beacon calibrate which is the main error you are getting
Did you use a torque wrench when you hot tightened? The spread may be high because the melt zone extender and or the nozzle are not properly torqued. You may also have to check you have th bacon screwed down securely
Well i do not have that kind of tool yet
i just tightened until i felt resistance on my normall wrench
and conserning beacon
it is tightened well
it doesn't move
It's working because it does your z home. Does the nozzle make contact with the bed plate? Is is forceful?
my nozzle didn't touch the bed once
Also. I'd you can take a pic of the nozzle and melt zone extender without the boot on I can compare to mine.

Have you been able to do a z tilt adjust yet?
it also does that just fine
So it homes xyz, z tilt then beacon calibrate fails?
Can you swap USB ports on the pi?
I used one of the USB 3 ports

if i remember correctly my beacon is currently connected to usb 3
I'll get home and take some pictures
I'll read up on what can cause your spread issues. It's bascically telling you the 3 ponya it's taking are out of a usuable range to calibrate
sometimes i get this error

When homing x or y
just when doing the beacon calibration
i think i've found my issue
or maybe not
There is slightly less solder on the left most pin for the connector

But since there is enough on the other side I don't know if this is an issue

I've added that tiny bit of missing solder but it didn't help the issue
You may want to re-run the config wizard
did that already just for sanity checking
That latest error is saying it has no trigger. You may want to contact beacon
Or ratrig via email
Might as well notify them
I just moved my printer to a diffrent room and it works fine now?
Grounding issue? EMF?
I would say emf because in that previous room there was quite big antenna array not that far away
Like 2 meters above
That might have been it
I guess am gonna close this post then