Minimum Temp

Hello Everyone. I am having a Extrude Below minimum temp error. #help
11 Replies
What temperature is your hotend at? By default ratos is setup to not allow extrusion below 170⁰
dependent-tanOP3y ago
165. I'll try uping the temp to 170 and give it a shot
Why are you trying to extrude at 165/170? Normally you extrude at 200+
dependent-tanOP3y ago
PLA 165. Done it this way for years on my prusa
What PLA are you using?
dependent-tanOP3y ago
FilamentOne I use alot of different types of PLA.
I've never printed that. I normally do 210 for PLA How fast are you printing at 165⁰?
dependent-tanOP3y ago
never had a problem with this temp. usually I do no higher then 175 for PLA. Depends on what I am printing and what the tower says Velocity of 200mm/s Also have a problem with my 4028 fan. It only turns on at 100%
There have been several posts about the 4028. I would read through them and see if that fixes it for you. If not, create a new post with your problem
dependent-tanOP3y ago
been reading them. havn't found anything. Got it to print at 170. Thanks for the help with that. I will just have to remember that for the future.
You can override that min setting if you will be extruding at that low of a temp often

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