Probe triggered or open all time

it always stays open or closed, it is the inductive probe that comes in the recommended kit, the wiring is done as it is in the guide. the probe lights up red
9 Replies
lillian2y ago
hi @cl54 i am maybe in the same situation as you with my euclid probe : when you said always open or close what did you mean? like when you change your pin with "!" it change status but still did not register close or open?
extended-salmonOP2y ago
Yep Dont change Change the status when I change in config
blacksmithforlife - did you wire it according to the ratos diagram?
extended-salmonOP2y ago
extended-salmonOP2y ago
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I'm pretty sure that is supposed to be a dupont connector and not a jst-xh connector. They might be slightly different pitch sizes and causing a bad connection. I would double check the crimp on the black wire since that is your signal wire
extended-salmonOP2y ago
okey, ty, i will do again i have dupont connectors y will do with that, ty still didnt work
extended-salmonOP2y ago
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extended-salmonOP2y ago
im changing to individual dupont not working... its probably the probe its bad? @here i contacted with support from rat rig, they said: The probe was indeed i will replace with new one that was the error. the probe was bad

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