Stringy prints

I have the 500x500 V-Core 3.1 (Enclosed), Bondtech LGX Lite, Rapido 2 UHF, 0.6mm Nozzle. We have been running MatterHackers Build PLA at 205/68. No adjustments to the speed on the SuperSlicer profile. Prints have a lot of stringing, spiderweb-like. We tried 1 mm/40 mm/s stock retraction settings, we are now at 10mm/40 mm/s. Any recommendations?
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9 Replies
foreign-sapphire2y ago
You really shouldn't need to retract that far, it wont change anything. Go back to 1mm, and try faster. I use 80mm/s, but I havent really calibrated it completely, just good enough. Also, funnily enough, faster accelerations and travel seem to reduce stringing for me, so maybe turn up your travel accels I have bascially the same hardware configuration but rapido 1
foreign-sapphire2y ago
I’ve also experienced this. In my case it was because it hadn’t properly hot tightened my new nozzle. Not sure if this applies to your case, but wanted to mention it just in case.
apparent-cyanOP2y ago
Here are the settings on the profile
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foreign-sapphire2y ago
hmm, I use prusaslicer but heres what I have
foreign-sapphire2y ago
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foreign-sapphire2y ago
my max volumetric is controlled by the filament even tho it says 30
foreign-sapphire2y ago
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foreign-sapphire2y ago
I get very thin hairs when printing not-very-dry filament sometimes but its not like that also I reccomend checking avoid crossing perimeters personally it doesnt add that much print time and its very nice for some parts
like-gold2y ago
Have you printed a retraction tower? That should help dial in the retraction but it’ll probably be around 1mm. I do see some signs of over extruding which can cause too much plastic to be in play and create ooze. I suggest tuning esteps and extrusion multiplier:
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