New vcore Estopping on Startup

I'm having a problem where my 3D printer is estopping. I'm pretty sure the problem is because of this but I'm not sure how to fix it: [idle_timeout] gcode = {% if printer.webhooks.state|lower == 'ready' %} {% if printer.pause_resume.is_paused|lower == 'false' %} M117 Idle timeout reached TURN_OFF_HEATERS M84 {% endif %} {% endif %} timeout = 7200 I also have 2 wires unplugged because I just want to confirm the 3d printer even moves: (Kind of annoying to crimp and their wires aren't long enough and I'm lazy) The BLtouch wire and the part cooling fan are disconnected. Any thoughts on how to fix it? Picture of error on Mainsail, picture of 3D printer , and klipper logs attached below.
4 Replies
It has nothing to do with that timeout macro. Your thermistor is reading a temperature that is outside the normal range. Make sure the wires are connected and that it is the correct type defined in your config
ptegler2y ago
with the bltouch's probably seeing the wrong state of the switch so poops on you with those errors
But the message in his screenshot shows ADC out of range. That's a thermistor issue
sensitive-blueOP2y ago
SOLVED: I ended up having to recrimp the connectors on the hotend thermistor from my Phaetus Rapido. I was able to pull the wires out of the connector with very little force. Thank you blacksmithforlife

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