New Build Fresh Install everything new Beacon Issues
per @miklschmidt request i made the post for you. Im trying to do input shaper and keep getting this error, beacon is calibrated, homes does all that just fine but input shaper will not work from klipper screen or web, cant test belts either, latest ratos 2.1 everything updated, vcore 3 500
5 Replies
I need a debug zip. See:
I'm guessing you just picked the wrong accelerometers in the hardware configuration step. It's set to use the controlboard, and from the error it seems you have not wired an ADXL345 to your controlboard.
Ok, it will be the 31st before I can out of town till then
@miklschmidt here is the debug zip, sry so late was in Wyoming for vacation
you haven't selected accelerometers in the hardware configurator.. Go to the hardware configurator page in the wizard (click the step in the navigation to the right) and select the accelerometers you want to use.
thanks not sure how that happened i know i selected beacon,