Trying to flash Ebb 42 Can 1.2 but it will not go into DFU mode for flashing? any suggestions?

Building a Vcore 4 and have been successful without help on everystep until now lol. What could i possibly be doing wrong ? did the button sequence multiple times. Switched USB ports on my pc from the front ports to the back and have plugged all three boards in and off multiple times to reset. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you sir! You were correct! Connected to an alternative power source I was able to flash both boards easily!
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7 Replies
MDFPereira7d ago
if you are following RatOS instructions, you should not connect it to the pc. Rather connect it to the RPi
Raven 3D Tech
Raven 3D Tech7d ago
I have run into the same problem and no matter what I do it will not go into DFU mode. I have not been able to trouble shoot it as I'm in holiday and will be back in 3 to 4 weeks.
TheFullNelson32OP7d ago
So just to be clear I have the rpi4 plugged into my pc and then i have the octoboard and ebb cam board connected to the pi. Which is how I thought it was supposed to go ? Flashed the main board fine.
MDFPereira7d ago
Nope. Raspberry should be powered properly. Maybe that is the issue
TheFullNelson32OP4d ago
ok i will try to power it differently and go from there!
Thank you sir! You were correct! Connected to an alternative power source I was able to flash both boards easily!
MDFPereira2d ago
You welcome. I’m glad it worked

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