Rapido Clogging in enclosure

Hi All, I have an enclosure on my second printer and it also uses a Rapido UHF. I print PETG @240 and bed at 75deg. I'm getting constant clogs lately and can hardly get 2hrs printing. I've tried opening the door but it still clogs just lasts somewhat longer. Will drilling the Heartbreak even help? or am I missing something? Thanks
16 Replies
SwissStar_BL_2•2y ago
What kind of hotend fan do you have and is the fan facing in the right direction?
Andrew46OP•2y ago
I bought 3 different 40x10's and the fastest loudest one I installed it moves a decent amount of air. Facing the correct orientation, fan blows air over the cooler.
Quinny•2y ago
i'd suggest pulling the hotend apart and make sure the filament can move freely in both the heatbreak and heater core. Some peoples have been flawless mine wasnt but i think might started when i had a bed crash though
Andrew46OP•2y ago
thanks for the suggestion, It looks like the heat break 3 titanium bolts were a bit on the looser side and seems like the heat break tube is belt although very hard to see precisely tbh. Anyway I put the tool head off my other printer in and its working away fine so must have been either heatbreak bolts loose or bent. Ok back to square one still clogging in the enclosure.. bed temps are 60deg printing petg ar 240deg. If I leave the door on the enclosure open it is fine 🙃 I put an enclosure on the second printer and it joined the clogging train 😔 I'm thinking at this point rapido is usless for enclosure printing..
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
For enclosure petg printing
Andrew46OP•2y ago
Wouldn't any material be the same? Like I csnt see abs being better
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
no, they all have different glass transition temps
Andrew46OP•2y ago
So ABS has Glass temp of 105 and youd set the print bed to around 110 sure wouldnt this make me in a similar situation as petg? Is petg just in the sweet spot of getting too soft in the enclosure to the enclosure temps. where as with abs the enclosure temps wont be able to make it above 100 realistically
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
try printing ABS and you will see it doesn't clog
Andrew46OP•2y ago
I don't know why everyone harps on about the rapido so much when it has such a poor heatbreak. I'm going to stick a WC Goliath in, this has been driving me nuts 🤪
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't even own a rapido
Andrew46OP•2y ago
what are you stare
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
an old hotend that I don't recommend to people anymore. I got it back before rapido existed
sherbs•2y ago
I print lots of different materials in an enclosed 300 with rapido uhf... No issues whatsoever
Quinny•2y ago
Out of interest do you have the Ptfe tube running all the way into the rapido, I was stupid enough not to do this and wondering if that's causing alignment issue and its dragging on the side of the heat break causing issues?
Andrew46OP•2y ago
yea ive redone it a few times, in the end a ditched the Rapido on both printers and installed a CHC Pro on one and a Goliath WC on the other both printing with 35deg chambers and PETG no issues now

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