Just updated RatOS and now usb web cam does not work
I had it working at one time but cannot remember all the SSH and other changes and I can't find where that information was that I used
14 Replies
exotic-emerald•2y ago
If you just upgraded RatOS, you probably have now installed Crowsnest v4, which has replaced v3. There are many changed in Crowsnest v4 which require some special preparation.
See the following links for the upgrade procedures to get cameras working again:
(RatOS Documentation): https://os.ratrig.com/blog/crowsnest-v4-breaking-changes-manual-upgrade/
(Crowsnest Documentation):
I've done these procedures both on a V-Minion with RatOS, and a non-RatRig printer that runs vanilla Klipper. The upgrade process was successful on both and the cameras are working again.
Crowsnest v4 contains breaking changes and requires manual steps to...
Crowsnest just recently made huge changes to the way it works. This is great news, because it should be much faster and more reliable. Unfortunately, it also means that there are major breaking changes, and you'll need to do some manual steps to upgrade. When you update to V4 through the machine tab in mainsail, crowsnest will stop working until...
Upgrade from v3 to v4
There is a huge different between Crowsnest v3 and v4. Unfortunately, it also means that there are major breaking changes, and you'll need to do some manual steps to upgrade.
Worked once but not anymore. Have replaced camera, still no go.
The camera powers when connecting to the RPi up but no picture. I plug it into my windows computer and it works fine. The only change was adding a toolboard.
@somejoe7777 How do I take Crowsnest back to v3.? I cannot get v4 to work. I have an Arducam USB. It worked fine on v3.
If you're currently on v4:
in moonraker.conf (next to printer.cfg in the machine tab) add:
to the bottom
@miklschmidt 07/05/23 00:12:19] crowsnest: INFO: Detect available Devices
[07/05/23 00:12:19] crowsnest: ERROR: No usable Devices Found. Stopping crowsnest.
@miklschmidt I'm so tired of having to reinstall RatOS to get everything to work. Seems when I get something to work (in this case the toolboard) something previously working stops working.
Sounds like you might be having USB problems and not software problems. Does crowsnest find devices if you unplug the toolboard and reboot?
Also, if your toolboard has a USB power jumper, make sure you've taken that out.
@miklschmidt Need some order here, please. How will the toolboard work without the power jumper? Is this just a temporary suggestion on your part? Do you still want me to unplug the toolboard and then plug in the USB camera?
Not temporary no. The power jumper links the dc/dc converter and the USB power. you do not want to do that
And yes i would still want you to test unplugging the the toolboard and rebooting if removing the power jumper doesn't solve the issue. I'm assuming that your USB camera is already connected.
Where does the toolboard get its power? Was the jumper only used for flashing the toolboard?
You should've wired 24V to the toolboard as pictured in the wiring diagram
You cannot power a toolboard from USB alone.
I thought that was just for CAN wiring which you do not recommend.
I wouldn't put it in the wiring diagram if you didn't need it
@miklschmidt Looks like I have to go back several steps and start over. Maybe the camera will work this time. Obviously, not V3 vs V4. Thanka again for your help.
@miklschmidt By now I'm sure you are sick of hearing from me. But here is status. Connected EBB42 with USB and jumper and reflashed successfully. Removed jumper. Connected 24vdc. Verified 24vdc with meter. Connected extruder heater and thermistor. Turned on. No lights on EBB42. Klipper error. Unable to connect to toolboard. Forgot the command to see if RPi sees toolboard.
@miklschmidt Please ignore. Board just went back to Amazon for full refund.
Was about to suggest you check if you accidentally wired 24V into CAN +/- instead of VIN.
I checked carefully. It’s the top 2, correct? pos left, neg right. And I metered the connection on the back side.
@miklschmidt Tried to take the entire printer back to pre try to instaa toolboard disaster. Upon boot, one error after the other. I think the MCU is fried.
@miklschmidt now it seems to be okay. Just unplugged, reflashed, and tried again. Never a dull moment.