Update warning! I think another bad update has gone out breaking RATOS Beta 1

23 Replies
other-emerald•3y ago
Did you go through the whole configuration?
I skipped the tool board but but I believe so.
other-emerald•3y ago
I've updated, ran through the whole configuration and running fine, maybe just missed a step
Its been working fine for a few hours
Are there more updates for you mate? And have you rebooted?
other-emerald•3y ago
Ahhhhh, ok.... Then you updated and this happened?
I'm running the current update, no updates to be had
Yes not an update from @miklschmidt it was a klipper update or other
Just wanted to make people aware to avoid general updates
other-emerald•3y ago
If I refresh, I have no updates and everything is running fine
Wow how strange
I did an "upgrade all components" and it was fine until a reboot
other-emerald•3y ago
Supposed to update rat os first and then update all, so they say
Ahh could have been me then
national-gold•3y ago
running into the same currently. first reboot after some updates yesterday (of which one killed klipperscreen), now rebooting into "cannot connect". I can ping the pi, ssh into it and see that somethings running on 80
@folkestone3dprinting did you solve it?
the klippper service itself isn't starting, which then is why moonraker doesn't start
seems python is missing?
pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ python -v
-bash: python: command not found
pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ python3
python3.9-config python3-config
pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ python3 -bash: python3: command not found pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ python3 -v -bash: python3: command not found pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ which python pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $
pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ python3 -bash: python3: command not found pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ python3 -v -bash: python3: command not found pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $ which python pi@hephestos:~/klippy-env/bin $
other-emerald•3y ago
Go to # ratos-development and read comments about others having what sounds like same issues
national-gold•3y ago
just solved it: apt --fix-broken install
other-emerald•3y ago
national-gold•3y ago
but thanks 🙂
Currently investigating this. It might be a while. For now don't update KlipperScreen (pretty sure that's the culprit).
rising-crimson•3y ago
thanks for this information 😉
national-gold•3y ago
it's only a partial soltuion to get klipper back running. what's missing afterwards are python libraries for stuff like shaper tuning. you can have a look in #ratos-development for more details
There's currently a fix in moonraker for this issue (ie. update moonraker first, then klipperscreen), but there'll be another fix later. It should be safe to update klipperscreen now as long as moonraker is updated first.
so i didn't see the warnings and updated, now i cannot connect moon raker to klipper
ok i'll do that
I'll make a new release once arksine has made the last changes and i fixed the pi3 vs pi4 screen shenanigans.
As long as you update ratos, then moonraker and then rest, it should work fine for now