RAT OS 2.1 RC1 Homing Issue

Fresh Install of Rat Os 2.0 , verify motor directions and endstops. Home X and Y and the printer PUSHES the Z up into the nozzle when homing Y and X (Which is the opposite function of RATOS2.0 to reduce hitting extruder before homing Z) . Then it says 'no beacon model found' when trying to home Z. So to use the Z i need to calibrate_beacon, but when I calibrate Z it says out of range when trying to save the beacon profile. What I did , fresh install 2.0 , verify everything motion, then i updated using the update manager, then tried to home. So maybe the update broke something. Picture for the LOL.
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26 Replies
blacksmithforlife•10mo ago
The bed shouldn't go up when homing so it sounds like the Z needs to be reversed.
dropsOP•10mo ago
I thought so too! However if i set it to kinematic, and go Z down , it goes down! Also goes up if it goes up
miklschmidt•10mo ago
"Z down" is very ambiguous. If you click the "z down" it will decrease Z which means bring the bed closer to the nozzle. That default mainsail behavior. Remember you're in upside down land compared to something like a bed slinger.
dropsOP•10mo ago
DAMMIT, USER ERRROR! Im so emberassed
blacksmithforlife•10mo ago
It happens, I've done it myself
miklschmidt•10mo ago
Don't be, unfortunately it happens.. The mental overhead of the toolhead command panel is heavy.
dropsOP•10mo ago
Its been so long since ive had to configure from scratch
miklschmidt•10mo ago
The only real way to avoid accidents is to make sure things can't fail before you've had a chance to hit the emergency stop. It's one of the reasons the SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION is used by centering all axes.
dropsOP•10mo ago
Im so emberassed I just sent a one time sponsor...
miklschmidt•10mo ago
Hahaha i appreciate it, but be safe now! 😅
dropsOP•10mo ago
@miklschmidt funny you should say that...literally happened like 5 minutes before you said that.
dropsOP•10mo ago
Forgot to set the endstop so rushed to turn the printer off so it wouldnt crash :/
miklschmidt•10mo ago
Ouch I've done this more times than i'd like to admit. Stupid slippery floors. there's an emergency button in mainsail, just hit that instead then you don't have to run 😄
dropsOP•10mo ago
Will do next time, totally forgot about that!
YouvBeenThumped•10mo ago
Until you hit it.... And the printer keeps going cause it hasn't registered the command :FLASHBANG:
YouvBeenThumped•10mo ago
Now has fancy cat outline on wham bam sheet
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dropsOP•10mo ago
Lol Well im leaving the emberassing scratch and video up , and having an update. IT WORKS! Just completed my first full auto_beacon_calibration
YouvBeenThumped•10mo ago
Im working up the courage to attempt it currently
dropsOP•10mo ago
My advice, have two SD cards, saved your printer config, remember motor directions, and prepare to troubleshoot the becaon had to do two clean OS installs for it to work
YouvBeenThumped•10mo ago
I don't use SD cards. NVME drive
YouvBeenThumped•10mo ago
I just hate when sd cards cease to be sd cards
jhorn68 (V-Core 3.1 400)
Don't feel bad, I did it too...
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dropsOP•10mo ago
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dropsOP•10mo ago
If only they would rotate the damn Z arrows for non bed slingers in mainsail we wouldn't have this issue 😤😭😤😭 They don't even have to change any code , just rotate the icons 180°
jhorn68 (V-Core 3.1 400)
You can set it in the settings, I had done that and forgot about it. I also had a backup of my printer.cfg and didn't think to look until it was too late.

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