Problems with printer.cfg
So i followed the configuration of ratos, unfortunately i have issues with the motors. Could someone help ?
21 Replies
So all my drivers are connected to the octopus v1.1 and all the pins are set correctly on the board , i can't move the printer for some reasons, i do not know why
This is usually a driver communication issue.
Which drivers are you using?
Tmc 2209
Start by removing this
And check the 24v power delivery on the motor input
Oh do i need to remove this jumper ? The 24v delivery is checked. It is correctly wired
Yes (it won't make or break your issue, but it shouldn't be there). It connects boards 5v rail with the pi's 5v.
meaning the board will be powered by the pi if there are any 24V issues (which can cause the issue you had, but i'm assuming that's not the case).
In any case, something is wrong with your X driver. If i had to assume, i'd say it's not getting power. Usually it complains about IFCNT, MSCNT is new for me.
You can try swapping the X driver with one of the others and say if that makes a difference
Well all my driver, not only X
is this correct ?
yeah that smells like a power or jumper issue.
There's not really any other option. There's no way all your drivers are dead.
it was a jumper issue, now the fan is working
Well at 0% it's at 100%
Make sure to read this through:
Connecting a 4028 fan | RatOS
4028 server fans are becoming a popular option for part cooling because of their light weight and great pressure and flow rates. In this guide we'll go over how to connect one and use it for part cooling. 4-pin fans usually aren't used in 3d printers, and many boards only provide 2-pin ports, but fear not! There's always a way.
You are the best thank you !!
i need to swap the Z cause it's going the opposite direction
Well everything is working
Not sure about the fan, i didn't see a difference in the 25hz compared to the 100hz
I was mostly thinking about the inversion of the pwm pin (
) and the enable_pin
If the control is inverted, (ie, 0% is 100% and 100% is 0%) you're missing the !
It’s talking about 25hz and 100hz. Now it is correct