RatOS 2.1RC1 SKR pro 1.2 automatic flashing fail

Hello, having automatic flash failing during setup on a V-Minion. Board has an older RatOS version detect, I try do flash a more recent version and it fails after a while. What's your guess?
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95 Replies
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Looks like the script is bad, which is very odd. Hasn't changed. Which flashing method did you use?
spoownβ€’5w ago
I tryed automatic, the first one on the left.
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Ah, do you have an sd card in the board?
spoownβ€’5w ago
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
aight let me check, i think this might just be because SKR Pro 1.2 only flashes automatically via a separate script. It's using an old borked bootloader. Can't figure out where that 'e' argument is coming from
spoownβ€’5w ago
Just to give as input, It didnt show any erro flashing with old configurator on 2.0.2
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
it's not in the script yeah there was some syntax fixes but i fail to see how that results in the error you're getting. I will find out.
spoownβ€’5w ago
well, I can try to go ahead on config with mismatch versions ?
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
yeah it's prolly fine. I'll see if i can find the bug in the mean time and let you know when there's something to test Oh well.. I found it πŸ˜‚
spoownβ€’5w ago
Thanks for fast reply btw
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
sure thing πŸ‘ @spoown fix pushed, update "RatOS" and try the configurator again, should flash now πŸ™‚
spoownβ€’5w ago
Ok. I’ll try. It’s slower because I use a zero2 πŸ˜…
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Ah yeah. I should bust out mine and see how big the difference is, it's been a while since i tested on a zero 2.
spoownβ€’5w ago
btw RatOS repo says corrupt. is it the configurator repo ?
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
No it's a bug in moonraker that was fixed after RC1
spoownβ€’5w ago
Hard recoverytime maybe?
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
It should fix itself if you update moonraker and reboot. If that doesn't fix it do:
ssh pi@ratos.local
cd ~/printer_data/config/RatOS
git pull
sudo systemctl restart moonraker
ssh pi@ratos.local
cd ~/printer_data/config/RatOS
git pull
sudo systemctl restart moonraker
And it should stop being a dramaqueen πŸ˜‚ never use hard recovery it deletes the entire repository so you lose all the setup if there's no way around using hard recovery (this should be very very rare), you need to manually run the update.sh script on the repository before doing anything else.
spoownβ€’5w ago
@miklschmidt I'm sorry, but new error..
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miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
oh boy lol another fix incoming
spoownβ€’5w ago
It means I managed to update repo πŸ˜„
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
indeed! πŸ˜„ Should be actually fixed now, if you update yet again πŸ˜…
spoownβ€’5w ago
pushed, trying to flash already.... I have faith 🀞
spoownβ€’5w ago
This error I don't fully inderstand the problem
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spoownβ€’5w ago
@miklschmidt ping πŸ™ˆ
spoownβ€’5w ago
I ran again the version check and I don't get any version warinin, so it may be fine
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miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Oh that's interesting, it actually flashed it just didn't exit properly God my bash sucks
spoownβ€’5w ago
If you need that I flash again to test something later tell me I think I found another mapping bug for the board... damn
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
I went back to the 2.0 style, it's pushed. If you could run it again at some point and let me know if that works, that would be nice! tell me
spoownβ€’5w ago
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spoownβ€’5w ago
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spoownβ€’5w ago
I told Z motor on Z, and extruder in E0 stepper pin is same and got error duplicate pin It may be a error pinmapping that board?
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
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miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Not sure where the PE13 is coming from That would be Z
spoownβ€’5w ago
not by hand πŸ˜„
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
ie, the one that is used for E by default in the RatOS wiring diagrams did you actually save this?
spoownβ€’5w ago
yeah, i tryed to reconfigurate but it tells no change
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
because the screenshot you posted matches the default config Is this in RatOS.cfg?
spoownβ€’5w ago
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
it doesn't have a slot assigned ... what the heck Can you send me the debug zip? need to look at the config it's using to generate this
spoownβ€’5w ago
this part is good
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miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
the extruder isn't mapped to that slot when it generates the config, it's still mapped to Z (or nothing and it defaults to the original assignment)
spoownβ€’5w ago
I had to change the default assigment I have on the wizzard
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
oh jesus christ i'm not including the files i actually need in the god damn debug zip :facepalm:
spoownβ€’5w ago
it was using Z on the extruder as I remember Helping to help for some debugging πŸ˜„
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Unfortunately i have to go and won't be back for like 5 or so hours can you grab the contents of
ssh pi@ratos.local
cat ~/printer_data/ratos/last-printer-settings.json
ssh pi@ratos.local
cat ~/printer_data/ratos/last-printer-settings.json
spoownβ€’5w ago
will try np, i should receive VC4, will be busy with other things
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
thank you!
spoownβ€’5w ago
ping me when you're back with something to try. Thanks for your help
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
This might explain it:
{"level":50,"time":1717771640219,"pid":6993,"hostname":"V-Minion","err":{"type":"TRPCError","message":"Couldn't find printer settings file: /home/pi/printer_data/ratos/last-printer-settings.json: Couldn't find printer settings file: /home/pi/printer_data/ratos/last-printer-settings.json"}
{"level":50,"time":1717771640219,"pid":6993,"hostname":"V-Minion","err":{"type":"TRPCError","message":"Couldn't find printer settings file: /home/pi/printer_data/ratos/last-printer-settings.json: Couldn't find printer settings file: /home/pi/printer_data/ratos/last-printer-settings.json"}
It's very strange since you literally just sent it to me @spoown can you try deleting RatOS.cfg and Printer.cfg, then go to the last page of the configurator and save the configuration again?
spoownβ€’5w ago
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spoownβ€’5w ago
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spoownβ€’5w ago
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spoownβ€’5w ago
I tryed to put E1 to provoke changes and then I saw
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spoownβ€’5w ago
it's reading as it was already PE14
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
That's good. Can you send me the debug zip again?
spoownβ€’5w ago
@miklschmidt Didn’t apply the changes, I can try that and apply and send you debug
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
If you apply the changes and then change it back it'll work Something went wrong somewhere in the process, and i'm not sure where I'll try and reproduce it .... i can't Does exactly what it should do in my case
spoownβ€’5w ago
changed to E1, saved, same duplicate pinout
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Ah it keeps fuckin it up in the extruder section Reproduced! Aight i'll get it fixed
spoownβ€’5w ago
I think I made it I put Z ->E2 no, same problemwith PE13 duplicate so it's a real bug? πŸ™‚
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Yes, and the generator. It looks for a toolboard pin specifically when the rail is assigned to an extruder axis, it then decides there is no toolboard in your case and then it falls back to default pin from the board pin map and never checks the slot assignment.
spoownβ€’5w ago
Yeah I don’t have tool board, yet.
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
fix implemented, live in 10 minutes
spoownβ€’5w ago
Worked πŸ˜‰ it's FIXED ! Good work πŸ‘πŸΌ if I find another thing I’ll open new topic
miklschmidtβ€’5w ago
Excellent, thanks for reporting!
Steefβ€’4w ago
Ran into the repo corrupt on all repos issue. Updated Moonraker, which resolved the issue on all but one repo - RatOS
Steefβ€’4w ago
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Steefβ€’4w ago
I ran the update script, that allowed me to update ratos. Post ratos repo update, the repo corrupt message also disappeared
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
Do you have the moonraker.log from this?
Steefβ€’4w ago
certainly, will send over in private chat
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
Seems like hard recovery failed and further broke it Hard recovery kills all the setup so you have to run the update scripts manually
ssh pi@ratos.local
cd ~/printer_data/config/
rm -rf RatOS
git clone https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration.git RatOS
sudo ./RatOS/scripts/ratos-update.sh
sudo systemctl restart moonraker
sydo systemctl restart ratos-configurator
ssh pi@ratos.local
cd ~/printer_data/config/
rm -rf RatOS
git clone https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration.git RatOS
sudo ./RatOS/scripts/ratos-update.sh
sudo systemctl restart moonraker
sydo systemctl restart ratos-configurator
@Steef try that ☝️
Steefβ€’4w ago
I haven't used hard recovery though and it's currently working as expected
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
ah sorry i misread
024-06-14 21:26:55,195 [git_deploy.py:_repair_loose_objects()] - Attempt to repair loose objects failed, hard recovery is required
yeah i think the files are fine, just the repo is borked
Steefβ€’4w ago
let me go through my SSH log, a moment
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
The above should fix it
Steefβ€’4w ago
I used $ sudo ~/printer_data/config/RatOS/scripts/ratos-update.sh after that, only RatOS reported as corrupt however, it did provide me with an update botton for RatOS
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
that's safe to run, it'll restore setup stuff
Steefβ€’4w ago
after using the update for RatOS, everything worked
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
lol i think i missed this part πŸ˜‚
Steefβ€’4w ago
so to summarize: 1. all repos report corrupted 2. $ sudo ~/printer_data/config/RatOS/scripts/ratos-update.sh 3. RatOS reports corrupted 4. Update RatOS through interface 5. all working 6. profit?
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
It should be enough to just wait for moonraker to unfuck itself It's a bug in moonraker that was fixed a week or so after the image was released
Steefβ€’4w ago
unfuck itself
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
Steefβ€’4w ago
I'll tell it to do so πŸ˜›
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
If moonraker is up to date, all should be good πŸ™‚
Steefβ€’4w ago
anyway, all fine, thanks for the hard work on 2.1 πŸ™‚
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
Thank you for giving it a shot! πŸ™‚
Steefβ€’4w ago
presets scared the everlasting crap out of me though 800 mm/s on cooled v3.1 was about tripple what I ran manually before, lol
miklschmidtβ€’4w ago
Welcome to real performance mode πŸ˜‚
AsicResistorβ€’3w ago
I'm at this exact step right now, first had everything corrupted, then updated moonraker I'll try to run the update script as well ssh pi@ratos.local cd ~/printer_data/config/RatOS git pull sudo systemctl restart moonraker I did this but still have the repo is corrupt showing up under ratos will I have to do the setup and pid calibration again if I run this script? ~/printer_data/config/RatOS/scripts/ratos-update.sh
AsicResistorβ€’3w ago
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’3w ago
please start your own post
Steefβ€’3w ago
@AsicResistor I did sudo ~/printer_data/config/RatOS/scripts/ratos-update.sh and rebooted, that gave me an update button for RatOS (though it was still reported as corrupted). After that update, all was well
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