Sensorless Homing

Using sensorless Homing I had to decrease the devault for driver_SGTHRS from 70 to 30 to avoid false positives of limit detection. Now I tensioned the belts some more to improve Y ringing and I had to lower to 20. Am I on the wrong track? What is your driver_SGTHRS?
6 Replies
beejayfOP3y ago
So you all not use sensorless or did the default value of 70 work for your?
I use endstops
beejayfOP3y ago
While homing - does your printer draw 1.09A or 0.4A? Mine uses 0.4A - and sometimes starts missing steps and goes into a rattle. This can lead to horrible events after. I wonder if I should try to find the 0.4A definition and go to 0.6A... What do you think?
no clue, I have never measured it
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3y ago
this sounds like your motion system has some issues the driver_SGTHRS value should definitely not that low and while sensorless homing the motor current gets lowered, to whatever you configure try 0.6 and 75 if you still have these issues you should check your motion system
beejayfOP3y ago
Thanks! I just tried 10 homing runs X and Y at 0.6A and 70 with no stuttering and what sounds like acceptable stress at the end stops. I guess the issue is solved.

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