bad configuration of legit x and y for printing with inductive probe
Hi all,
On bed mesh, the printer tries to mesh according to the location of the hotend, but the inductive probe is a bit to the side, and sometimes doesn’t trigger as it partially above the print bed.
Should I order a bit larger print plate?
Anything else I’m doing wrong?
Best regards,

3 Replies
I think the min-positions should be 0. You are now telling your printer, that the edge of the bed is on the same position as the endstop and thats not the case
If the min position is 0 than I can’t set the endstop to minus value, which it physically is at
You need to make sure G1 X0 Y0 puts the nozzle at the front left corner of the print sheet. Adjust your position_min/max/endstop of [stepper_x] and [stepper_y] until that's the case. Then check g1 x180 y180, which should put the nozzle at the rear right corner of the print sheet.