problems doing shaper calibrate (solved)

Hi I am trying to run shaper calibrate it runs the X axis test and then stops and tries to do the calculations but it seems the pi throttles itself because the system loads show that the CPU is 100% and the ram is at 97% and it won't finish the task. The pi is a pi 3 A+ and the adxl is connected to the octopus pro board. Thank you DS
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28 Replies
does it throw an error? even on my p4 it takes like 30+ seconds to calculate everything
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
No errors at all ,I waited over 5 minutes
I would keep waiting since your system is very overloaded
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
Why would it be even without anything happening it's running at 80% ram.
the console is saying - it is doing the calculations. That ADXL shaping has to parse through a lot of data
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
That's fair enough but I'm saying even when it isn't doing the calculations and just standing by it is at 80% . Now I'm having a problem of klippy host not connecting
you could SSH into the machine and check what is taking up so many resources may just be under powered
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
What would I need to put in the terminal to check, the pi is using a official psu
usual linux admin stuff. I usually do top to check what is running and general stuff
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
I've just found than out And here is what came up god knows what it means lol
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looks fine. and what is mainsail currently saying the load is?
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
right after getting the mcu connected again i rerun the shaper calibrate again whilst running "top" in terminal and python is using 40% cpu and ram and then the mcu shuts down and it says that the timer is to close. so is this telling me that the pi 3 isnt good enough no more to run ratos?
it looks fine except for input shaping. So, instead I would just do input shaping manually until you can buy a better PI at a reasonable price
miklschmidt2y ago
How old is that alpha (ie. Which one did you flash)? Can you try the latest Beta and see if that helps? (Beta 1.5).
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
I shall try that tonight thank you
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
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ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
Well this is with beta 1.5 it did the X axis and has been waiting for calculations for over 15mins
miklschmidt2y ago
damn that's not good it's most likely because it runs out of memory and starts swapping But it worked in 1.2.4 maybe it helps with a 32-bit image
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
yes it worked on the alphas as well and i have used a pi zero 2 before using the pi 3
miklschmidt2y ago
Yeah i'm thinking it's possibly a 64-bit issue, i'm compiling a 32-bit image for you to try, this is valuable information for release! Thank you for helping out with the testing!
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
not a problem at all thank you for your work it makes everything so easy most of the time to get up and running in no time When will this be ready because i am going to have to catch some shut eye i can test tomorrow if thats ok
miklschmidt2y ago
Sure thing, no problem! 🙂 Still need to compress and upload so will be another 20 mins at least, no rush though, tomorrow is fine 🙂
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
That's great I shall get on it when I get back from work Thanks again very much appreciated
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
@miklschmidt thank you I shall get on it later and report back well you can drop the mic buddy it worked ,i did wonder if it was the 64bit image that was causing the trouble ,i shall carry on running and see what happens .
miklschmidt2y ago
That's pretty valuable information, i'll have to put that somewhere. I'm starting to question whether 64-bit makes sense to release at all.
ds makes⚡
ds makes⚡OP2y ago
does it really bring anything to the game ,i suppose it processes faster but would that really show in klipper i must admit maybe since ratos went to 64bit i started to have the timer to close on the pi zero 2 and this pi 3 ,i thought it was the pi zero 2 thats why i upgraded to the pi 3 only to still have the same problem.
especially if we are going to get a lot of questions from users on why things aren't working using the 64 bit version on older PIs

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