Belt tension graph weirdness

After fixing skew by re-tensioning the belts, I get this graph. Does anyone know what's up with the big peak to the right on the blue graph? @fractal_0
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11 Replies
causal-orange3y ago
Could you post your X and Y sharper graphs too?
wise-whiteOP3y ago
Sure, just need to finish this test print first.
wise-whiteOP3y ago
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wise-whiteOP3y ago
Tightened both belts substantially and the second peak is much reduced
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wise-whiteOP3y ago
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8Complex3y ago
Looks better for sure... thinking that second peak on the one belt may just be something rattling at that frequency... mine does that with my drag chain, perhaps you have something that can move around doing the same
causal-orange3y ago
@keegan9434 Y looks nice (although maybe too tight) - for X I'd check for - The toolhead, any loose screws - If your cable chain / harness is well supported - The XY joiners, are the belts moving well on the idlers, anything loose? You can disable the motors and love the head left and right and listen / feel for anything that feels off - if you can reduce the peaks >100hz in your X graph you'll likely be in good shape
wise-whiteOP3y ago
I've had a significant rattle at certain speeds on this machine ever since I built it, despite disassembling and reassembling the toolhead several times, the entire frame once, and cleaning and lubricating all the rails May be something internal to one of the toolhead components
8Complex3y ago
Personally, if I have a rattle like that, I like to run the input shaper routine and then actually touch/hold/put slight pressure on components until I find out what stops or alters the noise. Not worrying about the output of those input shaper tests, only that I can identify the locations that are obviously loose somehow
wise-whiteOP3y ago
I tried some stuff like that and it was inconclusive But I might give it another go I hadn't considered the effect of the toolhead cabling on resonance. It's a thin power cable and a thin USB cable, and a reverse Bowden tube. Light and droopy. I had the steel wire in there before but I removed it as it didn't seem necessary.
causal-orange3y ago
Try adding the steel wire back and see if it changes the graph

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