"Shutdown due to expected probe state to be deployed but is stowed" Euclid

Im not sure what's wrong but i cant get my euclid Probe to work. I cant even get it to trigger manually when i press it.
12 Replies
miklschmidt•17mo ago
bad wiring 🙂
Achi447OP•17mo ago
@miklschmidt hm ok the weird thing is the leds on th euclid are on and if i press the button they turn of. so i guess it has to be the signal pin. wait didn't I upload a printer.cfg?
Achi447OP•17mo ago
just in case
miklschmidt•17mo ago
That just means it's getting power. Not that everything else is correct. Why have you copy pasted all the homing macro's and the euclid config? PA4 is not the probe pin.
Achi447OP•17mo ago
homing macros are unnecessary true, but I thought I needed the euclid config to adjust the offsets right I thought it was, on the toolboard
Achi447OP•17mo ago
No description
miklschmidt•17mo ago
You’ve configured it to se PA4 on the octopus. Delete all this copy paste stuff, these things are already done for you. Just uncomment the probe stuff in the toolboard section
Achi447OP•17mo ago
oh ok, that makes sense I'll try it out later. I wasn't sure which one to uncomment in the probe section. that why I did it manually. thanks for the help hopefully it works XD
miklschmidt•17mo ago
As long as you follow the wiring diagrams on os.ratrig.com (euclid is wired like a regular probe), it’ll work.
Achi447OP•17mo ago
I followed it, but I think the signal crimp is shit + I wanst sure which to uncomment I checked the wire and that seems alright. probably got the wrong one ucommented
miklschmidt•17mo ago
it should just say pin: ^toolboard:probe_pin
Achi447OP•17mo ago
i found it, but i still get the same error. i also found a bigger problem. i only have one printer.cfg. on my minion everytime i change something there is a copy saved from the old config. oh man i really fucked up.

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