Bed tilted after G34

Hello everybody, Here is another mesh/homing problem. Maybe a really simple thing, but I don't get it. I have a Ratrig V-Core 3 (300x300) built. All axis run fine. Since I have no RasPi I tried Marlin (latest bugfix). Here are the init/setup commands: 1. G28 => The printer drives to x and y axis and touches the endstops, then drives into center of bed approximately 10mm above the bed. 2. Then I do a G34. It has it's three points at (50,50),(50,250) and (150,250). ==> It achieves the needed accuracy of 0.02mm. No problem. 3. Then I do a G29 to find small errors. Here "it" happens. The bed seems to have a tilt: Bilinear Leveling Grid: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 -1.318 -1.415 -1.490 -1.513 -1.500 -1.438 -1.503 1 -0.870 -0.963 -0.988 -1.063 -1.018 -0.960 -0.940 2 -0.398 -0.473 -0.475 -0.470 -0.435 -0.423 -0.460 3 +0.117 +0.065 -0.038 -0.050 -0.043 +0.057 +0.023 4 +0.562 +0.430 +0.412 +0.300 +0.375 +0.380 +0.425 5 +1.072 +0.972 +0.920 +0.835 +0.837 +0.870 +0.825 6 +1.822 +1.525 +1.422 +1.317 +1.357 +1.390 +1.312 How can this be? There seems to be a slope in the bed from front to back, even though I had a successfull G34 run. I chose 6x6 to have measurements near the G34 mesh points. The G29 points (1/1), (5,1) and (3,5) should be very close to the G34 points. They show a slope but should be on same plane due to preceeding G34 command! Does anybody know why? Does Marlin forget G34 result and positions G28 new?
2 Replies
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
#marlin might be able to help - not sure how many people run a vcore3 on marlin
ratty-blushOP•2y ago
Maybe it is a Marlin problem maybe not. I try to understand why z-Leadscrew leveling works so nice and with a flat Bed (really flat), never the 2mm difference bed mesh shows. Do you Klipper users have a similar effect when G34 works fine, but then mesh shows different results becase of the frame twist? hi @blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 I found a link to the Marlin Discord and joined there. If you or anybody else still has an idea...thanks

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