Include Missing

In my printer config have "# UNCOOLED TMC 2209 + LDO-42STH48-2504AC" with the different includes but if go to find the file "include RatOS/steppers/ldo/42sth48-2504ac/2209/24v-1.1a-z2.cfg]" there is no subdirectory 2209. Is the correct?
5 Replies
SynapsisOP2y ago
all the includes in ldo have no \2209\ I never touched them. Could that caues the problem I'm having with stepper z2? That woukd be strange seeinbg the oother moter work.
Could that caues the problem I'm having with stepper z2
no idea since you haven't said what the problem is
SynapsisOP2y ago
Its the one I posted before where z2 gives an error all other motors work with a stepper_buzz. This is motor 8 that I can not get to work. So I tried changing z2 to motor 5 using [stepper_z2] step_pin=PC9 dir_pin=PC8 enable_pin=PD1 [tmc2209 stepper_z2] uart_pin=PD0 diag_pin=null run_current: .5 but now when i do a stepper_buzz nothing no moviment but at least no error. if I switch with motor 7 it will turn so its not the wirging or motor. So I wanted to see how the default was configured and there i found out the are no sub folders 2209 inb ldo/xxx I just noticed that with these setting I can not turn z2 while the others I can.
these are two different issues

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