SAVE_Z_OFFSET always saves to beacon model offset

Machine Info: V-Core 4 400 IDEX I am trying to calibrate my z offset as my first seems to be slightly off. I decided to recalibrate my beacon following the steps listed here: The only step I did not do is step 5 (scan compensation). I get to step 6 and print the the first layer test strip. I babystep the z until I have a good first layer. Then while the print is still going I type SAVE_Z_OFFSET into the console and hit enter. I then get a console message stating that the beacon model offset has been updated with the new value. However, it has not been updated (not in printer.cfg at least). From what I've read (which may be wrong), after I have done the thermal expansion calibration, any z offset should be calculated into the expansion coefficient (as long as I have used SAVE_Z_OFFSET by typing it into the console). However, I can't seem to make that happen no matter what I do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/ at documentation_v2...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
No, it's during the first layer. If you end up having to adjust your g-code z_offset so that it's below zero, that's a strong indication that something most likely went wrong. It can be as simple as a dirty or loose nozzle or something more complex like your z couplers (the ones that couple the leadscrew to the motor shaft) aren't tight enough and thus your Z movements are inaccurate.
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33 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck4mo ago
please redo it and share the console output from the SAVE_Z_OFFSET command also share your file
KanoOP4mo ago
Sorry. I should've posted it before it.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck4mo ago
you have a negative offset, this should not be possible and points to mechanical issues in your z motion system i highly recommend to redo all of your beacon calibration. before that make sure to check your z motion system also make sure to put these variables to your printer.cfg to let your system heatsoak before doing the actual calibration and test print
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_bed_heat_soak_time: 1200
variable_hotend_heat_soak_time: 300
variable_start_print_park_in: 'primeblob'
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_bed_heat_soak_time: 1200
variable_hotend_heat_soak_time: 300
variable_start_print_park_in: 'primeblob'
this will take some time until everything starts, goal is to rule any thermal expansion issues out also, before doing the beacon calibration enable the debug mode by running the ENABLE_DEBUG command after the calibration is done share the complete console output
KanoOP4mo ago
Those wait times are in there currently. I will restart the process of calibrating beacon with ENABLE_DEBUG on and post that debug.
KanoOP4mo ago
Here is the debug zip after running through the beacon calibration again with ENABLE_DEBUG on
Helge Keck
Helge Keck4mo ago
please share the console output from it
KanoOP4mo ago
Isn't it in the debug zip? console_history.json. I can screenshot it, but its a lot of information to screenshot. Is there a better way to get it?
KanoOP4mo ago
Here is the console_history strip to readable text if that helps
KanoOP4mo ago
Sorry That wasn't all of it
Terreux4mo ago
I got the same issue I notice that when I disable the beacon scan compasation it work properly
Terreux4mo ago
and the message when I type save z_offset without the beacon compasation on is green and not white
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KanoOP4mo ago
Isn't that disabled by default? If not, I guess I can try to specifically disable it.
Terreux4mo ago
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KanoOP4mo ago
Yup. It has been disabled Anyone have a fix for this? I'm not sure how to move forward from this?
miklschmidt4mo ago
It looks like you didn't run BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE, that's necessary to move on. Also please make sure everything is fully updated first (refresh the update manager in the machine tab)
KanoOP4mo ago
From my understanding of the instructions on beacon calibration BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE is the automated process of running through steps 1-5 which I did manually. If that is not correct, that may be my problem
miklschmidt4mo ago
Indeed it is, there's no reason to run these manually. In fact i'd recommend not doing that unless you know what you're doing. I checked your variables and they look fine though. So i'm guessing an update and a recalibration is gonna help a lot.
KanoOP4mo ago
The only reason I did the manual route was to do the VAOS thermal expansion calibration on step 3
miklschmidt4mo ago
Ah i see. You can do that afterwards as well.
KanoOP4mo ago
I just ran the update and notice this during update :
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KanoOP4mo ago
the update didn't fail. Should I worry about it?
miklschmidt4mo ago
Your configurator is dead it seems, Did you update the configurator?
KanoOP4mo ago
I updated it at the same time
KanoOP4mo ago
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miklschmidt4mo ago
just a sec Does your configurator work?
KanoOP4mo ago
Yea. Setup Wizard, Dashboard, Motion Visual Calibration, and Realtime Analysis all seem to work just fine
miklschmidt4mo ago
Hmm It's possible the configurator was updated and restarted and didn't come back up before the configuration was updated. Possibly something i need to look into, however, you should be fine
KanoOP4mo ago
Ok. So just go ahead and run BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE and VAOC after?
miklschmidt4mo ago
KanoOP4mo ago
Ok. Before I go and do a first layer print, Helge mentioned something about my z offset being negative. Is there something I need to check before first layer print and babystepping?
Terreux4mo ago
hello, doing the BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE fix the issu for me I did all the step seperated but it was not working and now it save properly
Terreux4mo ago
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miklschmidt4mo ago
No, it's during the first layer. If you end up having to adjust your g-code z_offset so that it's below zero, that's a strong indication that something most likely went wrong. It can be as simple as a dirty or loose nozzle or something more complex like your z couplers (the ones that couple the leadscrew to the motor shaft) aren't tight enough and thus your Z movements are inaccurate.

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