Print times differing drastically from predicted times

Hey guys, I am not sure if this is a ratos issue, but I have no clue where else to post that (I already asked in the #slicer channel). I have a stock vcore300 and I use superslicer. But for some strange reason, the estimated print times from superslicer are way shorter / faster than my real print times. Some prints take 60-90% more time than SS shows. I set all my velocities and accelerations in the slicer, but for some reason my printer seems to perform slower than expected. I know that there is a time-adjustment factor in Superslicer, but first I would like to understand if something with my setup is wrong.... Any tip is appreciated. Regards!
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20 Replies
generous-apricotOP2y ago
I added a screenshot of my last prints..... As you can see, there is a huge gap in every print.
You probably are only using the speed and accelerations in the slicer for time estimating and your klipper config is more conservative. If you want the slicer to override the klipper defaults you have to specify that (I believe it's in the machine tab?)
generous-apricotOP2y ago
I had this discussion in #slicer, but I learned that the slicer ACC values always override the ratos settings. So this is probably not my issue. And no, I use the ACC values from the slicer all the way, not just for the time estimate
generous-apricotOP2y ago
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Balu2y ago
You probably need something like the klipper estimator
GitHub - Annex-Engineering/klipper_estimator
Contribute to Annex-Engineering/klipper_estimator development by creating an account on GitHub.
miklschmidt2y ago
Emitting limits to gcode does nothing for klipper. You want to make sure your limits in your slicer corresponds to your printer settings.
generous-apricotOP2y ago
I didn’t set any limits in my printer.cfg. And how do I set the slicer acc settings to override Klipper? And honestly, this is confusing me 😊 @Helge Keck is sure that any slicer ACC setting overrides all klipper settings. And you @miklschmidt say it’s the opposite. I consider you both guys as experts….
miklschmidt2y ago
the actual acceleration settings are not set in printer limits. They're set in the speed section. Those work as they're supposed to. No, you're just confusing two separate things. Printer limits != print acceleration / speed.
generous-apricotOP2y ago
Hi Mikl, Yes I think I am confused 😊 Before, you said I ”wanna make sure my slicer settings correspond to my printer settings”. Why is that important if the slicer settings override all settings that I made in ratos? And – I don’t have any settings in my printer.cfg… So back to the reason why I started this thread… why are my print times so “wrong”? The machine limits in superslicer are set way higher than the accelerations in the print tab.
miklschmidt2y ago
Why is that important if the slicer settings override all settings that I made in ratos?
Printer limits set in the slicer do nothing in klipper. Your estimates are based on the limits you put into your slicer. Therefore they need to match your config if you want anything close to realistic estimates. Acceleration settings in the slicing profile are not printer limits, they're print speed settings (those are emitted via M204 and they do take effect).
And – I don’t have any settings in my printer.cfg…
Which means you're using the defaults (check the speed-limits-*.cfg include)
So back to the reason why I started this thread… why are my print times so “wrong”?
Like i explained above
The machine limits in superslicer are set way higher than the accelerations in the print tab.
And that's why the estimates don't match Anyway this is generic slicer / klipper stuff. Google it, there are plenty explanations on how to set up your slicer for klipper out there.
miklschmidt2y ago
Here's what my estimate look like
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miklschmidt2y ago
consistenly faster than the slicer estimates
generous-apricotOP2y ago
Thx Bro. So the time estimation in Superslicer is using the machine limit ACC values and not the actual ACC values that I set for the job?
miklschmidt2y ago
Depends on which estimate mode you chose in "how to apply limits". It says below what it'll do.
generous-apricotOP2y ago
miklschmidt2y ago
I don't use superslicer personally since i've always found it to be a buggy mess. But in prusaslicer i use this
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miklschmidt2y ago
OrcaSlicer seems to just get it right without me touching anything
generous-apricotOP2y ago
Say I have machine limits of e.g. ACC=35k but I want to print a specific job much slower because I want it to look extra nice, then the Slicer still uses those 35k for the time estimate and NOT the slower speeds that I set in the printing tab. I am not sure if that makes sense to me, but it explains the behavior I am seeing. Thank you. Thread can be closed 🙂
miklschmidt2y ago
Say I have machine limits of e.g. ACC=35k but I want to print a specific job much slower because I want it to look extra nice, then the Slicer still uses those 35k for the time estimate and NOT the slower speeds that I set in the printing tab.
No it'll use what you set in the printing tab, but 0 becomes 35k. So you need to explicitly set everything or it'll use the limits you set for the estimate.
generous-apricotOP2y ago
so, the solution / or the problem was that I indeed was using the standard speed profile. Switching to the performance profile (printer.cfg include) released the brake. I never paid attention to that because I thought that all ACC values in my gcode override any ratos setting, but turns out that the reality is different 🙂 Thx for your patience.

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