Is my board dead?
I have an skr2-429. I'm not seeing anything on dmesg when I plug in the usb cable between the pi and the skr2. I do see usb activity when I plug a usb device into the pi. I've reflashed the firmware for the skr2 but nothing showing up. I'm at a loss?
6 Replies
Are you powering the board via USB or 24v?
24v I see board lights on so it's getting power at least
lsusb shows nothing?
keep in mind that all 429 boards have to be flashed with sdcard, mandatory
Ya I used what came out of /configure on the recommended ratos
But you need to flash it via sdcard. There is no option for either automatic flash or dfu flash
I did that
No changes in logs in
sudo dmesg -w
on pi when unpluging and repluging in the board over usb.. have tried different usb cables as well.