homing always goes to the middle of the bed, and then goes to the new home position (two times)

We are trying to home the system (RatRig V-core 3.1) on another spot on the bed. For this we use the save Z home function. The printer does indeed home on the correct spot but always starts by going to his initial, middle of bed, position. We do not want this! Also, when it goes from the middle position to the new homing position, it does this movement twice. We have no clue why. Would be nice if someone would help out. Kind regards. ❤️
6 Replies
printer.cfg please?
GusssOP10mo ago
We just fixed it with an old post in the discord. We use Variable_safe_home! Thanks!
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Nemesis2599mo ago
which post exactly helped you fix the issue?
miklschmidt9mo ago
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/macros.md at documentation_v2.1 · Hel...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Nemesis2599mo ago
"variable_safe_home_x" and "variable_safe_home_y" won't quite fix the issue. The expected behaviour would be that when a homing command is executed, the print head would first home X and remain at X=0, rather than returning to the centre of the X axis (200 in this case). Then, with the print head still at X=0, the gantry moves homes the Y axis. And in a final one-third move, the print head makes a diagonal move towards the centre of the bed to home in on Z. This is necessary because two of my mods to the VC3 conflict with each other and create something of a no-go zone in the centre back of the print bed. Any ideas on how to implement this behaviour? Thank you so much in advance!
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miklschmidt9mo ago
The expected behaviour would be that when a homing command is executed, the print head would first home X and remain at X=0, rather than returning to the centre of the X axis (200 in this case)
Yeah that's what it does, if you set safe_home_x = 0 and safe_home_y = 0 (if that's where your endstops are).
And in a final one-third move, the print head makes a diagonal move towards the centre of the bed to home in on Z
This it doesn't do, it would home Z at 0,0, with the previously mentioned settings.
This is necessary because two of my mods to the VC3 conflict with each other and create something of a no-go zone in the centre back of the print bed.
Then limit your Y max.
Any ideas on how to implement this behaviour? Thank you so much in advance!
I would advise against it, as this won't fix the issue, it'll just avoid it while homing - and only while homing. Your issue is that your Y max is too high, lower it. If your endstop is at Y max, extend it beyond your no go zone. (if you don't lower it, you run the risk of entering your "no go" zone, at any point outside of homing.) If it's important to you anyway, i can add a variable that allows you to disable the "return to z_home" when homing x and y. I've been avoiding it so far, because it's always a workaround for some other issue.

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