How to control part cooling fan on octopus PRO?

can somebody help me with part cooling fan control wire... 2 years ago(don't get me started on why only now i'm building it. (worst diy project i've ever attempted to do in 32 years of my life)) i was sent the octopus PRO... not the octopus v1.1 as in all the fucking documentation... so now i don't know where to connect that third wire I googled for over an hour in vain. so my fan is now either 100% or 0% I found this: but it's so vaguely written, what pin number is it? etc...
Connecting a 4028 fan | RatOS
4028 server fans are becoming a popular option for part cooling because of their light weight and great pressure and flow rates. In this guide we'll go over how to connect one and use it for part cooling. 4-pin fans usually aren't used in 3d printers, and many boards only provide 2-pin ports, but fear not! There's always a way.
9 Replies
did you wire it like this? notice too, that green box is the only needed jumper. Remove the jumper from the first fan port
BiziluxOP12mo ago
i did not, because i dont know what board is in the picture. I already almost friend motherboard and raspberry pi because uart pins are different between pro 1.0 and v1.1 octopus mine is wired exactly like this for now:
in this case, the octopus 1.1 and octopus pro are the same wire it like in the picture above and add that klipper config snippet to the USER OVERRIDES section
BiziluxOP12mo ago
ok i will. minus the green jumper. the 4028 fan that was shipped to me is 12V
no, you need the green box jumper
BiziluxOP12mo ago
oh okay its on 12v on picture too
that is what sets it to 12v you need to remove the jumper that the BLUE wire is attached to
BiziluxOP12mo ago
yes i thought it was set to 24v on the picture, i didnt see splendid. it works. I used this command in the end. [fan] pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin cycle_time: 0.01 lets finally try to print something. thanks for your help!

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