4028 fan speed control reversed

I have encountered a problem with my 4028 fan. The fact that the fan runs at 100% after boot up is known to me. The problem is that the fan only goes off when I set the fan speed to 100%. If I set the fan speed to 0%, the fan runs at full speed. This makes me think that it is reversed. Can I change this in the software or is this a hardware error in my wiring?
13 Replies
https://os.ratrig.com/docs/guides/4028#pwm you probably forgot the ! in the example code:
pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin
pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin
YannicOP2y ago
Thank you very much. I'm glad it was my fault and not a hardware problem. I followed the wiring instructions and then the RatOS configuration. It didn't occur to me that I needed to add anything to my printer.cfg file. Maybe a note in the cabling instructions that you need to change something in the printer.cfg file would be helpful.
cabling instructions?
YannicOP2y ago
Not sure what you mean, Rat-OS doesn't have cabling instructions
YannicOP2y ago
I followed the cabling instructions found here: https://ratrig.dozuki.com/Guide/12.+Wiring+Firmware+&+RatOS/143
Rat Rig
12. Wiring, Firmware & RatOS
Step by Step Guide on how to assemble and wire the electronics on the V-Core 3.
RatRig the company created that. Rat-OS was made by Mikel. They are not the same thing
YannicOP2y ago
Okay. Who should I message to add a note to this guide?
@miguelcrruz would be a good place to start
YannicOP2y ago
Thank you
Cruz2y ago
Got it, will look into this
foreign-sapphire2y ago
No description
foreign-sapphire2y ago
same issue agree its bit confusing ADHD head like me jumped over it i just asked mikel

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