Raspberry PI & BTT 1.1 Installation
Hey guys I have had issues today.
So loaded the RatOS to a 64gb SAN DISC card that went fine, talk to the BTT and loading its firmware went to say that the firmware is decteded but unresponsive any idea what this can mean here is a photo of my BTT boards numbers.
35 Replies
Note that the BTT SD card is a 32gb and i formatted it to the FAT32 with 8kb yes .
Did the extension of the firmware file change?
This for you are meaning from .bin to cur yes ?
If so then yes but it’s odd that my raspberry pi isn’t hosting a hotspot anymore
For the pi to do the config right does a lan cable have to be plugged in for the first start up or can it be WiFi ?
Wifi will work on first boot, no need for Ethernet cable
Okay and after the RATOS has connected to the conifig page it will dispear yea?
Once you have it connected to your home wifi, it will stop putting out it's own hotspot, correct
Having this issue
What happens when you do "flash again"?
Same response over and over
Do I have a faulty octopus board.?
not terribly likely. Have you tried flashing it manually with a microSD card?
Yea I’ll try again tomorrow night
Will go from the the top again too
try the steps from "how to recover from a hard reset" in https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1233461645167169576
I suspect you did a hard reset and that is why this is messed up
Ok I shall thanks
Hi do run that via ssh or ?
Yes. Step 1 being "log into your pi" that is usually done via ssh.
I’m not to familiar with ssh so daym that’s not good
Will watch some videos
If you knew enough to ask the question, you know enough to use it honestly. It's pretty simple. What terminal are you using?
Terminal ?
I have watched someone login but don’t know ssh runner or how to use it
windows Command, Powershell, putty, WSL2, mac Terminal?
What OS are you using?
It would be a windows command prompt I guess cuz that’s what I’m using to do the setup
Windows 11
Okay, so do a
ssh pi@ratos.local
or if you have the IP of the pi, ssh pi@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
(replace the x's with the IP)I can try get the up
So what I set the os when setting up the rat os I use that with the pi@(what i set the username to be ).local yea ?
And I do this via windows command prompt ?
Username is pi and PW is raspberry
Okay I didn’t reset that yet so that should work
is the username. So it is like who@where
You're trying to login as pi
, and the machine is at ip
.Alright I will try this tomorrow night I’m really confused by all this
Good luck, I'll keep trying to help
Thanks man
Maybe if you one tomorrow round about some time we can hop into a call
If you’re okay with that ?
I work from home so ping me when you're around and I can try
Oh sweet thanks man
if it is easier, just reinstall ratos. Then on refresh all the dependencies on the mainsail interface. if it says corrupt - ignore it and keep hitting refresh as the first time it needs to connect to the internet and until then it incorrectly says "corrupt"
and in general, if it ever asks you to do a hard reset the answer is NO
Okay thanks
I will reload the software to the Pi and then will reload the firmware to the Octopus, and then go from there and then ill check if @TheTik is on he can assist