Is this CoreXY Belt Tension Good or Bad???

Installed my ADL today on my V-Core 3.1 500mm and ran the Measure CoreXY Belt Tension and got a graph. Looking at it, it is obvious that the two lines are pretty consistent at lower frequencies, but they shift on the higher frequencies, although with about the same amplitude (?). After watching multiple youtube videos, I am still unclear whether I should adjust one of the belts, and if yes, which one. As always, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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4 Replies
eastern-cyanOP2y ago
adding resonance frequency graphs, which if I understand the videos correctly the Y access is good, but there is something wrong with the X axes????
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Igor2y ago
x is bed y ok x 2 peaks
Nebulator2y ago
If I remember correctly the video that explains the graphs gives some leads as to what the double peak could be in X. The bumpy road from 100 Hz and up is probably your printhead. You could take a look at that. If its EVA, make sure that the sides of the parts that go together are flat. I sanded it down a bit to get a flatter surface.
eastern-cyanOP2y ago
Tightening upper belt helped, but I still got bad resonances on the X access. I switched from a bunch of random wires I used to my toolhead to a EBB42 toolhead board with only USB and Power, which cleaned things up considerably.
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