No trigger on Y after full movement SOLVED

Hi, Is anyone able to help me? I feel like I gonna burn it. I have a vcore 300 just built, when I am homing the printer the x axis is homing but the gantry is moving 10mm on y axis and after that in console I have no trigger on y after full movement. The endstop is working, I test it and is shows triggered when pressed. Can someone please guide me a bit? Thanks! endstop_pin: x_endstop_pin step_pin: x_step_pin dir_pin: x_dir_pin enable_pin: !x_enable_pin rotation_distance: 40 microsteps: 64 homing_speed: 100 homing_retract_dist: 5.0 position_endstop:0 position_min: 0 position_max: 300 ############################## ############################## ###### STEPPER Y ########### ############################## ############################## [tmc2209 stepper_y] uart_pin: y_uart_pin run_current: 1.1 stealthchop_threshold: 0 interpolate: False [stepper_y] endstop_pin: y_endstop_pin step_pin: y_step_pin dir_pin: y_dir_pin enable_pin: !y_enable_pin rotation_distance: 40 microsteps: 64 homing_speed: 100 homing_positive_dir: True homing_retract_dist: 5.0 position_endstop:-50 position_min: -51 position_max: 300
24 Replies
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
If I set the y endstop position to 300 is working but this is not normal is it?
Are you using ratos? Can you upload your full printer.cfg?
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
I am not using ratos, while working on it I noticed that if I set the endstop position at 300 is it working but it is not normal to home at x 0 y 300, I will send you now the cfg
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
thanks for helping !
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
homing positive direction is True , the second file is the right one
How did you create this printer.cfg? lines 72-86 are just wrong for the most part. You have sections but no settings under them...
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
I created them from scratch... cause I have two printers and ratos is not working with two printers
#homing_positive_dir: If true, homing will cause the stepper to move in a positive direction (away from zero); if false, home towards zero. It is better to use the default than to specify this parameter. The default is true if position_endstop is near position_max and false if near position_min.
from two printers on the same pi?
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
yes If I change it to False the gantry is moving oposite way of the endstop
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
direction* one sec to read it
you have the motors wrong. Swap where they are plugged into
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
so the picture represents the direction while homing? but x is moving in the right direction...
look at the bottom right, X is moving correctly and Y is opposite. Above it, the picture tells you they are swapped ohh wait sorry, should be the bottom left photo but still same thing applies - swap the motor connectors
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
I am doing it right away I really apreciate your help!
I would still clean up your config file as I mentioned you have a bunch of sections but without settings that is only going to cause you trouble
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
I just set it up today and wanted to check that the motion is fine, I will work on it but this motion issue is driving me crazy pfff you are godlike, it is moving fine now
well, having a messed up printer.cfg isn't going to help with that either
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
I will sort them now, there is a whining noise from the stepper motors, any idea why?#🤦‍♂️ it was present before as well are you talking only about the lines you mentioned at the start?
anything that has [] but then nothing under it should be removed. I didn't dive deep into your config to see if there are other issues, that is for you to work out
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
9999dave99996mo ago
beacon calibrate

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