pin PC4 used multiple times in config
I have switched from 2209 drivers (selected in the inital RatOS configuration) to 5160 drivers.
So I have added
[tmc5160 stepper_x]
stealthchop_threshold: 1
interpolate: False
cs_pin: PC4
spi_software_mosi_pin: PA7
spi_software_miso_pin: PA6
spi_software_sclk_pin: PA5
run_current: 1.6
sense_resistor: 0.033
To the printer.cfg.
Klipper now complains, that "pin PC4 used multiple times in config".
And it is indeed used in the RatOS.cfg:
[tmc2209 stepper_x]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
uart_pin: PC4
run_current: 0.8
driver_TBL: 1
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 3
driver_HSTRT: 0
sense_resistor: 0.11
Can someone tell me how to avoid this problem (as the RatOS.cfg file is not to be modified)?
5 Replies
Redo the configurator, select the 5160 drivers in it. No need to add anything in the printer.cfg, the configurator will change the RatOS.cfg
Thanks, that did the trick 🙂
For those wondering why deleting the section from RatOS.cfg does not help: It is also included in the sensorless homing
But your way worked fine
RatOS.cfg is also regenerated after the PI boots up if it detects that changes have been made in it manually and not via the configurator
Very sneaky 😄
Not sneaky, as thte top of the file says, you shouldn't make any changes in there.