upgrading my vminion. how my graphs looks?
How my graphs looks? Am using vminion

11 Replies

the last graph you posted doesn't really have an use case on bedslingers. it's useful on corexy to check if belts are equal length and tension. on v-minion belts are independent of each other
I see, how can i test it out then?
I made new graphs today, i place the adxl on the hotend i did the x measurement and then i placed it on the bed and did the y measurements, and i have different graphs today from the ones i uploaded here
you can check the tension similarly to how it's done on other printers, here's guide for v-core https://canary.discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/791048619997659176/1196002549606666260
i'm can't tell you from top of my head how to do it correctly on minion, because i never had one in my hands, but i can do some research and get back to you in a couple of days.
I didnt know about that test, very interesting
there's quite a lot of factors that affect how the graphs looks. for best results, printer should be placed on solid surface, belts tensioned to right values, every screw should be tight, ADXL needs to be mounted securely etc. etc.
I understand
My printer i screwed down on a wooden box, very solid

Shall i upload my new graphs? Maybe you can see something more
sure, i can take a look, but generaly speaking if everyting is right, the graph stay pretty static