Has anyone ever wired one of these into the Ocopus

Has anyone ever wired one of these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004378719628.html into the Octopus 1.1 board? Probably should have checked compatibility before I purchased it. I see references to Duet boards on the project website https://orbiterprojects.com/orbiter-filament-sensor/ however nothing BTT related. By some miricle I have managed to successfully assemble/wire my RR500 without frying it and knowing my luck I will do this wrong.
2 Replies
xenophobic-harlequin3y ago
If you are referring to the "wiring configuration" section, it seems to me at least verry lacking in detail (and not specific to the Octopus board). There are many unknowns, I would assume it connects to the run out sensor port and the bottom right "J40" according to the manual. But there are x3 pins there and x4 pins wires with the sensor kit.

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