Can't get input shaper setup 'Option 'accel_chip' is not valid in section 'resonance_tester''

I have a USB input shaper that has Klipper flashed (and works fine on my other printer) that I'm trying to get working as a secondary MCU. I have included the same cfg file as what I used on another printer perfectly fine, and am including it in my printer.cfg on the RR. The configuration file looks like this:
[mcu PIS]
# Obtain definition by "ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/" then unplug to verify
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_E6635C469F178338-if00

cs_pin: PIS:gpio13
#spi_bus: spi1a
spi_software_sclk_pin: PIS:gpio10
spi_software_mosi_pin: PIS:gpio11
spi_software_miso_pin: PIS:gpio12
axes_map: x,-z,y

accel_chip: adxl345
117.5,117.5,20 # an example
[mcu PIS]
# Obtain definition by "ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/" then unplug to verify
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_E6635C469F178338-if00

cs_pin: PIS:gpio13
#spi_bus: spi1a
spi_software_sclk_pin: PIS:gpio10
spi_software_mosi_pin: PIS:gpio11
spi_software_miso_pin: PIS:gpio12
axes_map: x,-z,y

accel_chip: adxl345
117.5,117.5,20 # an example
Klipper is giving me the error Option 'accel_chip' is not valid in section 'resonance_tester' What steps am I missing to get this setup?
17 Replies
Toomy~OP6mo ago
Worked it out, the RatOS.cfg has it's own resonance_tester section. How do I tell RatOS not to generate that so I can do it myself in my config?
you don't, you just override it if you want to change something, you just change it in your printer.cfg
Toomy~OP6mo ago
Trying to override that section gives me the error above. If I don't comment out the resonance_tester section in RatOS.cfg I get the error.
upload your full printer.cfg after overriding it please
Toomy~OP6mo ago
What I posted above was the whole thing. Then in printer.cfg it's just [inlcude pis.cfg] pis being the name of the file this is in. Is there an extra thing required to tell it to override a section? Usually I just copy the same header and it does it just fine.
nope, just adding it overrides it (as the documentation I linked to earlier shows)
Toomy~OP6mo ago
Yeah that's what I thought. I'm wondering then why it doesn't like it here and I have to comment out the RatOS version of this section for it to work. I tried looking to see if you can only have one of that section but there's nothing that states that.
I don't understand how what you posted is all of it when it doesn't have the ratos.cfg include
Toomy~OP6mo ago
Hold on, let me send you the full files. That thing above is just a file called pis.cfg, the main printer.cfg has nothing related to input shaping at all.
Toomy~OP6mo ago
This is the printer.cfg
Toomy~OP6mo ago
The include is commented out but at the top is [include pis.cfg]
[include pis.cfg]
is commented out
Toomy~OP6mo ago
If I uncomment it, and don't uncomment the RatOS resonance_tester section I get the error in the original post.
does it work if you comment out accel_chip: adxl345 in your PIS.cfg?
Toomy~OP6mo ago
Hmm... let me see. Ideally I need that line as I have named the chip I want to use (not just using the default).
you didn't name it. you have [adxl345], if you want to name it [adxl345 <NAME>]
Toomy~OP6mo ago
Sorry, when I made the post originally I haven't. I since have as that's my preferred way. I removed it as a test to see if that would fix it which it didn't. Also yes that works without that line. So I guess I just can't have it named for it to work, which isn't great. But at least I have a way around it. So this doesn't actually work if I do it this way. Probably because it's trying to use a sensor that doesn't exist. If I do it my way commenting out the bit in RatOS.cfg and setting up the sensor to be the one configured it works fine.

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