Move out of range while z-offset calibration
Hi all,
I´m running into this "move out of range" after setting up my euclid probe.
Homing works fine, probe is deployed and stoved perfecly.
But if I want to calibrate my z-offset I get this error message.
I need to go below 0 to get the nozzle into the right distance to the bed.
Anything I can do to get this working?
Setting z_offset in the printer.crf to
z_offset: -5.0 does not work.
2 Replies
Add the following into the user overrides
position_min: -7
Well... yes, that did the trick. Didn´t find that anywhere. May be I need some new glasses?!?
If I start a print and Klipper want´s to start mesh leveling, Klipper throws an error message: and the print stops in the homing position.
OKay, got some help and could get it working now with in the printer.cfg