Best back_core_xy part orientation and sticking advice? Constant curl upwards on 'top' two corners.

Anyone know if there is a better way to orient the "back_core_xy" EVA3 hotend part other than flat (with the side that ultimately faces the front of the printer facing down)? Try as I might, I absolutely cannot get the two topmost corners of this part to not curl up from my PEI spring steel during the print with this Hatchbox ABS I have. I've tried printing enclosed, tried wider (~.5mm) as well as taller (~.3mm) first layers, tried setting both extremely low as well as more normal z-offsets to really "smush" the filament in, tried an older as well as a brand new PEI spring steel plate (two different manufacturers), tried multiple bed adhesives, tried bed temps of 90, 115, and everywhere in between...and no matter what those two corners just like to pull upwards even though the rest of the part sticks just fine. Anyone have any thoughts here on anything else I can try? The only thing I can think of that I haven't tried yet (will tonight or tomorrow) is printing with a brim...but man this one is kicking me and with every other thing I've tried above having made literally zero difference for better or worse that I'm struggling to believe a brim alone will be the fix. I also am having trouble understanding (from a printing mechanics perspective) what exactly makes these two corners be so evil to me lol. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
1 Reply
CampapaloozaOP17mo ago
EDIT: Reprinted the part with a couple helper discs and it's very noticably better. Still got a touch of upwards curl but it's pretty minor. Guessing if I did a full fledged brim that would do the trick. We'll consider this one resolved!

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