Fans strange behavior.
so i have tryed to get controll of my part and hotend fans, when the controls are at 100 then they wont spin and at 0 they do spin, its 2 pin fans on a Btt V1.0 board and i have now installed latest version of RatOs, printer worked just fine before updating system.
and there are no mentioning of fans/cooling in Print.cfg so where can i change behavior of fans now?
10 Replies
You still put changes in printer.cfg
So try something like this:
amzing that sorted that fan out so i gues i just make a line for hotendfan and thats it 😄
Are you using a btt octopus v1.0? And what fan are you using?
Can you share
If everything is correct in the configurator this should not be an issue. This is why there is no mention to fans on printer.cfg
This things are on RatOS.cfg
a sorry its BTT SKrat v1.0 and i dont know what fan sorry, just bought the lite minion, but it its a 2 pin fan, and when i bought it secondhand he used RatOs 2.0, i have the old config but when i change stuff over from old to new config it just gives me errors.
i checked RatOs.config and removed ! on all fan pids and i think that fixt it.
don't change anything on RatOS.cfg
Otherwise, anytime you restart the file is always overwritten and changes aren't saved.
what errors are you getting?
so i need to copy the whole segment on fans and put it in Print.conf to have it working? last time i copyed from old config and it gave me some error on some pid that was wrong, i just deleted and looked for new sulotion.
no. It should work from scratch with the correct config...
well the config is autogenerated ? so it is the correct config :D, for now i think the workeround has to be to copy fan part from ratos config and paste it in printer config it is doing what its suposed to atleast. it has been to many strange things with this install perheps the new ratos is not suposed to be used on a old minion :p
ore its cursed Oo thanks for the help! will probebly run in to pleny of strange things when upgrading this litle bugger
yes, the config is auto generated according to what you choose on the configurator...
What fan are you using?
did you select "input voltage" on fan selection= or "digital PWM"?
for a 2 pin fan should be input voltage
no need to workaround when everything is set correctly
if you select input voltage the ! is no longer there
and yes, I'm using RatOS 2.1 on my minion.
feel free to ask if you need help
i probebly did take wrong selection, think it only was one alternetiv with 2 pin fan connections?
Thats good to know, right now i think it workes fine, just need to tune it, then i am going to rebuilt it with mosquito hotend and lbo leviathan controllboard, dual leeds on z and built in electronics and a screen. that will be fun/frustrating 😛