I updated to the new RatOS and I am having issues with the primeblob/primeline. As the toolhead goes to the x/y position for the primeblob, it runs into my frame.
Now I have gone through every single .cfg relating to to X/Y axis and cannot, for the life of me figure out how...or where to adjust my Y offsets.
The only thing I can find that is close is...
position_max: 400
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 400
position_endstop: 400
endstop_pin: ^y_endstop_pin
homing_positive_dir: true
homing_retract_dist: 5.0
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_homing_y: "endstop"
Or am I just over tired and the answer is staring me in the face.
2 Replies
Is your Y end stop actually at 400? If not, that is why it is slamming into the frame. Either adjust the end stop or change it from 400 in the config
Home Y, then manually try and move it to the front. When it just about touches the frame take note of how much space it thinks it has left. That is how much you need to subtract (either by physically moving the end stop or by subtracting it from the 400 value)
complex-tealOP•2y ago
I got it resolved by moving the Y endstop back a bit.
Really leary about missing with the configs for right now until I better familiarize myself with the new setups.