Tool board stepper motor setting

I have a 0.9 step E3D pancake motor on the extruder. Step Angle: 0.9° Rated Current: 1.4A Body length: 26.5mm Faceplate: NEMA 17 Motor cable length: 1m It's running but seems underpowered having used it on a Duet before. Do you place the rate current in overides on in the tool board config?
10 Replies
always in the USER OVERRIDES section
Bluegoose59OP2y ago
Do you happen to know the syntax? I've done the XYZ but get an error on E
Bluegoose59OP2y ago
The problem is the EBB42 is not referenced as far as I can see in Kipper. I will keep looking thanks.
EBB42 is a toolboard, so it is just another MCU as far as klipper is concerned.
Bluegoose59OP2y ago
Not knowing much about Kipper as I'm used to Duet RepRap so far most / all working apart from this. Thanks
you just need to override the settings in extruder section see and full_steps_per_rotation you also need to override the run current see and run_current
Bluegoose59OP2y ago
I have the steps calibrated in user overrides , but current setting is eluding me for the EBB42. Using Kipper / EBB documentation the syntax is giving errors. [stepper_e] run_current: toolboard: 0.850
the example from the documentation is [tmc2209 stepper_x] the first part (tmc2209) is the section, and the second part (stepper_x) is the name you have given that section. You have just the name, which is why it is complaining
Bluegoose59OP2y ago
I will give it a look in the morning, seems the macros file has been corrupted for whatever reason thanks for your help. The syntax is for reference [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin: toolboard:e_uart_pin run_current: 0.850 stealthchop_threshold: 0 interpolate: False

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