overextruded solid layers with Extrudr Durapro ABS,
I am only having issues with ABS, PLA, PCTG etc work without such issues.
I am having issues with the Extrudr ABS:
solid layers get overextruded altough I did calibrate the flow rate to match the extrusion with of single perimeters exactly.
Also the dimensions are accurate.
I have to lower the top fill flow ratio to 70% to get acceptable results, however I can still see that the underlying layers are still overextruded and bulging out the perimeters.
100% top fill flow ratio on the left
70% top fill flow ratio on the right
Extrusion multiplier is at 0,94%
Any help is appreciated.
2 Replies
ABS usually is lower around 0.91.
Don't use the single wall method to calibrate, instead use this https://ellis3dp.com/Print-Tuning-Guide/articles/extrusion_multiplier.html