Gaps in my perimeters.

I am getting gaps in my perimeters. Tried changing line width in my Extrusion Width settings in Super slicer, but the spacing is also linked to it, so I can't seem to reduce the spacing to increase the overlap.
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6 Replies
deep-jade3y ago
Have you calibrated Pressure Advance? And if - with which method? After that an Extrusion Modifier Test (as integrated in SS) would be the next step to narrow this down if not done yet
manual-pink3y ago
Have a short look to "extrusion multiplier" in SuperSlicer. After installing the Vcore presetting from github, mine extrusion mulitlpier for PLA was set to 0.89 - which is too low. I'm using only Extrudr PLA NX2 Filament which needs 0.97 to work best.
NMGMarquesOP3y ago
PA was done using the new pattern method from Andrew Ellis. EM was set using the same guide., by printing the 30x30x5 chips and setting the EM for each. Surface now looks good, but I still get gaps. Increasing the EM does solve it, but then the surface goes all haywire.
deep-jade3y ago
Is the surface being overextruded then also on regular prints, or only on the test prints?
Why haven't you hired a 3d printer person to tune this for you? Probably would be cheaper than all the time and filament you have spent to get these unsatisfactory results
NMGMarquesOP3y ago
There aren't many experts in my area. This is a relatively small town and I am pretty sure we are the company that has had a 3D Printer for more time than any other in our area. Besides, when the tech was here last, he didn't manage to get it any better. What bothers me most is the rough surfaces when it starts filling in the top. Whatever we change, EM, PA, speeds, line width, overlaps, flow... It doesn't seem to get much better than what is. So even at 5 layers, the top surfaces are often times still not smooth. It is at a point now where this current combination is decent enough for our requirements. So I'm not going to haywire over it anymore.

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