Klipper Shutdowns
Hi, I have some problems that they seem related: most of the time I get warnings that the z, z_1 or z_2 stepper drivers are too warm. This is not disturbing me too much , but recently I started to get Klipper shutdowns.
The first was OvertempError reported by the stepper_z1. The second one was a MCU shutdown (see pics).
Both the Octopus Pro board and the Raspberry 4 sit under two large 120mm fans, which are PID-controlled . The temperature is read next to the boards by a special thermistor.
The fans spin just fine, they manage to cool down the electronics without too much effort, most of the time they don't have much to do.
The target temperature was set for 25°, in the room where I print are 19°, and most of the time the PWM was arounf 6-8% (only needed to follow the target temp).
Here my config:
Electronics control fans
2x 120mm slim fans, with tacho pin
[temperature_fan electronics_fan]
#[controller_fan controller_fan]
4-pin computer PWM exhaust fan - FAN5
pin: PD14
control: pid
pid_Kp: 40
pid_Ki: 0.2
pid_Kd: 0.1
max_power: 1.0
min_speed: 0
max_speed: 1
shutdown_speed: 0.0
kick_start_time: 2.0
target_temp: 25
The thermistor that measures the temp for this temp-controlled fan:
sensor_type: Generic 3950
sensor_pin: PF6
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 100
gcode_id: C
if your controller doesn't support hardware_pwm then try leaving these two lines out:
hardware_pwm: True
cycle_time: 0.00004 # 25 kHz
RPM monitoring:
tachometer_pin: ^PG10
tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0005
tachometer_ppr: 2
8 Replies
why PID run them? Just run them full blast all the time
because I'm an engineer 😄
nevermind how I do it, the big question is what has different now, I am using the same unchanged setup (well, I update regularly🤔 ) since months without shutdowns...
and yes, the environment temperature is a bit lower than in summer
nevermind how I do ityes, that is important. You are expecting us to troubleshoot your non-standard setup. Your temp probe is not what the driver uses to determine if it is too hot. Turn your fan up as a first easy check
These aren't necessarily related either. the "Timer too close" issue can be a multitude of things (as the error description is trying to tell you).
Yes, agree. But is there a log or something that can help better understand what's happening? A non-reproducible failure is the worst kind because it is hard to understand its cause
Or activation of a debug mode...
that's what the debug-zip is for