VCore3.1 messing up after first layer

Hi, I got the issue that my Vcore3.1 is messing up (the extruder not being able to push any filament through and therefore clicking) after the first or first two layers. I got the problem with both .4mm and .6mm nozzles. Right now I am using a .4mm nozzle with the following settings: Bedtemp/Heatertemp first layer: 55dC/220dC Bedtemp/Heatertemp other layers: 50dC/216dC First layer speed: 12mm/s Infill, Wall speeds: 60mm/s Surface-speed: 20mm/s Accel: 1000mm/s Accel to decal: 500mm/s Retraction distance: 4.5mm Retraction speed: 35mm/s I am using a Slice Engineering Modquito Magnum with Bondtech Lite Extruder on a VCore3.1 500mm I printed a different model slower (30mm/s instead of 60mm/s) last week and didn't got this problem. However I think 60mm/s isn't very fast for a corexy? I got bed-slingers that print at 60mm/s without an issue. I hope someone can help me with this problem. Greetings, Vincent
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21 Replies
vhaudeOP•3y ago
I just printed the model slower with 40mm/s and the issue remains.
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
Retraction distance: 4.5mm
That is WAY too much for a direct drive extruder you are probably creating clogs with that much retraction
sensitive-blue•3y ago
Which slicer are you using? Superslicer has predefined profiles for most filaments that work really well and will prevent a lot of confusion when you first start printing with your machine. You're using Ender 3 speeds and accels with a machine designed to go fast.
vhaudeOP•3y ago
Sorry for the late answers, I was busy over the holidays. @blacksmithforlife I reduced it to 2mm for the above print and it worked well. Today with a similar print I got a really weird clog within the upper part/cold zone of the mosquito hotend. The whole hotend was filled with filament and the part I could pull out (above the hotend in the bowden tube) was thickend. I will attach pictures.
vhaudeOP•3y ago
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vhaudeOP•3y ago
@Glipski This is my 3rd 3D printer and pretty much the first and only one I got such troubles with. Therefore I lowered the speeds and acceleration so much. I started with 100mm/s speed and 5000mm/s2 after building it but had skipping A and B steppers all the time... any advice will be much appreciated! There seems to be a problem with the extruder overall I think. The only setting/speed I can use for extruding is at 1mm/s extruding speed, sometimes 2mm/s speed. Everything above will have it skip. I already increased current to the maximum. This can't be right, right? I don't know if there is to much friction between extruder output and nozzle output (meaning to much friction on the filament path from extruder through nozzle) or what else is causing this. I just can't believe this is normal...
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
100mm/s and 5k is super low. If you have to go that low with a 0.4mm nozzle you have other problems that need to be fixed It isn't normal Do you have a reverse bowden? If so, what is the ID of the tube?
vhaudeOP•3y ago
@blacksmithforlife I am using a .6mm nozzle. Nonetheless I agree that this is way to low for such a machine. Any idea how to fix it? Also regarding the extruder, any idea?
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
Just like any complicated systems, break them down into their basic components and check individually and methodically I find just like in software starting at one end and working my way to other to be a very good starting place
vhaudeOP•3y ago
Yes, I used a reverse bowden and also thought this could be a cause so I removed it. Since then there wasn't a clog since, until today. Will check the ID in a few minutes.
I just can't find a cause to the problems and they are really giving me headaches. I thought maybe you have any idea what could be the cause...
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
Starting from the filament * How is the filament working it's way to the extruder? Is it getting there smoothly and easily? * Is the extruder working properly? Testing it just by itself does it pull filament easily? * Just the hotend by itself, can you push filament through it easily at temp? * Etc
vhaudeOP•3y ago
Yes, yes and yes. These are all three things I tested separately and they all did work flawlessly. But when printing these clogs happen. ..
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
Then once everything there checks out you start testing just two of the components together (i.e. integration points). Then 3, etc But didn't you just say you can't do more than 2mm/s extrusion? That is a red flag and it means you missed something with previous checks
vhaudeOP•3y ago
I did some tests and it only skips at 10mm/s extruder feedrate and only a bit. Pushing it by hand works smoothly. The ID of my before used reverse bowden is 1.85mm. Maybe there was some material that accumulated in the mosquito over time during the period I used this long retraction distance... However I don't understand why the whole hotend, cold end + part of the bowden tube was filled with what seems to have been slightly molten plastic...
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
1.85 is WAY too small. You want 3mm or more I use 3mm ID, 4mm OD to feed from the back of the machine to my hotend If you use smaller, it creates too much friction. And the LGX lite can't pull the filament
However I don't understand why the whole hotend, cold end + part of the bowden tube was filled with what seems to have been slightly molten plastic
You can overwork the motor so much that it causes the filament to become soft before entering the hotend. When it is soft like that is causes many problems like leaving residue and generally clogging
vhaudeOP•3y ago
That's good to know, I will switch to a larger one, Thank you! What do you mean by overwork? That the motor pushes more than the hotend can handle and the material becomes soft because of the pressure?
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
overwork - the motor isn't able to keep up with the work. That makes it overheat. This is from all the resistance it has to overcome by that too tight reverse bowden
vhaudeOP•3y ago
Thanks for the explanation. I will switch to a larger bowden and see if it works! Me again, I had a clog again and this time it looks like the molten filament went between the bowden and the entrance to the mosquito which is about 20mm away from the nozzle...🤨 (picture 1) I went on with disasembling the hotend, removing the stuck filament and reasembling the hotend. I then did a test where I heated the hotend up to 216dC, extruding 50mm at 10mm/s - everything fine. Then retracting 2mm at 1mm/s. Then waiting 10min. After these 10min I tried to extrude these 2mm at 1mm/s but the extruder started skipping and couldn't push the material through the nozzle. By retracting 2mm I assumed the material should still be in the hotend/nozzle but there still was this error. After then pulling the material out by hand it looked like it has a notch all around (picture 2). Have you encountered something similar before? Maybe it is an easy fix and I just don't get it...
vhaudeOP•3y ago
Picture 1
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vhaudeOP•3y ago
And picture(s) 2
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blacksmithforlife•3y ago
2mm retracting is still kind of high

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