Sticky Axis

Hello, I recently assembled a V-Core 3.1 stock kit. There were significant problems with Gantry Racking with the right side not hitting the corner of the front - so I loosened the rail screws, as well as the screws on top, to try to straighten it out. I got it mostly straight - but have noticed inexplicably the following: Looking from the top, moving it up and down (Y-axis?) feels fine, really smooth - but the head sometimes moves a little bit to the right when moving it downward. However, moving the gantry left-and-right feels sticky, jittery, inconsistent. I don't really understand - I'm new to CoreXY, and both belts are going either direction, so why would be smooth and the other so rough? The tension feels identical between belts. Help.
9 Replies
extended-salmon•2y ago
when assembled, have you measured the top diagonals?
exotic-emerald•2y ago
Do you mean that the double Y rails are not parallel?
extended-salmon•2y ago
not parallel or not on the same plane.
extended-salmon•2y ago
are the distances marked with green almost equal ? ( no more than 1mm )
No description
lillian•2y ago
hi i kind off have the same problem on my 500 the diagonals are the same 1035mm both but the gantry feel hard to push/ if i only push the 2020 the head will go to one side
extended-salmon•2y ago
the belts might be too tight, check the belt tension is equal, bring the gantry all the way in front and check the distances between x and front extrusion, with the gantry in front unscrew all the Y rails bolts, tighten only one bolt at the front, move the x gantry all the way to the back, screw the last bolt on y rails, move the gantry in the middle, screw one bolt in the middle. after that screw all the y rails bolts also, is a bit normal for the gantry to be more difficult to move with the belts tightened
lillian•2y ago
ok so in the front i checked it seems fine maybe it as to do with the belt tension i can of find it hard to judge their tension ... also i tried to over ride he motor with "SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION" to make them move and see if it was due to one of them and i get a return: TMC 'stepper_x' reports error: DRV_STATUS: c0130010 s2vsa=1(ShortToSupply_A!) cs_actual=19 stealth=1 stst=1 from what ive found it may indicate a toasted motor ??? could it be a explanation since its the same motor ?
lillian•2y ago
ok will do 🙂

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