So 4028 doesnt work for me for now so im going for dual 5015 24 v

1 is plugged in the ebb 42 v1.2 fan header. And the other will be plugged in the octopus v1.1 What do I have to put in my printer.cfg to make them both run as the cooling fan. Or can i wire them in parellel on the toolhead board or will this damage my fan header.
7 Replies
I would not wire them together. The total amperage is enough to blow your fan port
samus12916mo ago
i found this before online its what I was going to do just havent had time
How to use Multi_Pin in Klipper/RatOS to control multiple fans!
My 4028 fan recently broke on my Ratrig VCore 3.1 and while I waited for a new fan to ship, I found out I can put dual 5015 fans instead which I had laying around. Ratrig EVA extruder has stl file for dual 5015 fan setup so I printed that and connected two fan cables to fan0 and fan3 which are PA8 and PD13. Klipper supports multiple fans for o...
Normally you put everything in the user overrides section, this is the one time you have to break that rule Right after your board import you need to add the multi-pin definition
[multi_pin part_fan]
pins: PA8, PD13
[multi_pin part_fan]
pins: PA8, PD13
These are my pins, replace with the ones you are using Then in your user overrides section add
pin = multi_pin:part_fan
pin = multi_pin:part_fan
DemdorOP16mo ago
oke thanks i willl try this out when i have time. oke im using 1 pin on my ebb 42 toolhead and 1 on my main board so i think i need to something different
you need to specify the toolboard pin
[multi_pin part_fan]
[multi_pin part_fan]
but I haven't tested this so you might need to work on it some more
DemdorOP16mo ago
Yeah this doesnt seem to work I have no idea wtf im doin wrong
what is the error message? Upload your printer.cfg. Otherwise no one can help you...

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